Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 145
Intelligent Control Architecture for Assistive Mobile Robots
(Springer, 2016-10-01)
The current technology has provided the necessary means for creating better assistive tools. Among these tools, the interest on assistive robotics has been growing, since its cost is being reduced and new equipment is ...
Mobile robot to assist in therapies for children with autism
(Universidad Continental, 2021)
The increase in the autistic population and rapid technological advances have led to further research on robot-assisted rehabilitation for autism therapy as a practical system aimed at overcoming the distance between ...
Mobile Robot to Assist in Therapies for Children with Autism
(Universidad ContinentalPE, 2021)
The increase in the autistic population and rapid technological advances have led to further research on robot-assisted rehabilitation for autism therapy as a practical system aimed at overcoming the distance between ...
Low-Cost Robotic Guide Based on a Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interface for Arm Assisted Rehabilitation
Motor imagery has been suggested as an efficient alternative to improve the rehabilitation process of affected limbs. In this study, a low-cost robotic guide is implemented so that linear position can be controlled via the ...
Mobile Robot to Assist in Therapies for Children with Autism
(Universidad ContinentalPE, 2021)
Development of social assistive robot for therapy with children with autism spectrum disorder : castor
(Bogotá D,CMaestría en Ingeniería Electrónica, 2022)
The World Health Organization reports that 1 in 160 children have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a neuroatypical disorder characterized by social behavior difficulties, lack of attention, and language issues. Early diagnosis ...
Robot autónomo de soporte y asistencia para niños con discapacidades o desordenes de la comunicación
In this project we present a new robotic assistant that is able to provide support for Speech-Language Therapy (SLT), describes construct the robot assistant, design and construction of the physical structure and electronic ...
Technology-assisted stroke rehabilitation in Mexico: a pilot randomized trial comparing traditional therapy to circuit training in a Robot/technology-assisted therapy gym
(Springer Open, 15/09/2016)
Abstract Background Stroke rehabilitation in low- and middle-income countries, such as Mexico, is often hampered by lack of clinical resources and funding. To provide a cost-effective solution for comprehensive post-stroke ...
Auto-adaptative Robot-aided Therapy based in 3D Virtual Tasks controlled by a Supervised and Dynamic Neuro-Fuzzy System
This paper presents an application formed by a classification method based on the architecture of ART neural network (Adaptive Resonance Theory) and the Fuzzy Set Theory to classify physiological reactions in order to ...