Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 85
Spectral analysis and modeling of microcyclostratigraphy in late Paleozoic glaciogenic rhythmites, Parana Basin, Brazil
We investigate the depositional time scale of lithological couplets (fine sandstone/siltstone-siltstone/mudstone) from two distinctive outcrops of Permo-Carboniferous glacial rhythmites in the Itarare Group (Parana Basin, ...
Ritmitos de itu: Petrografia e considerações paleodeposicionais
Rhythmite samples from Varvite Quarry and Park of Itu (SP), and well cores from Rafard (SP), were analyzed by optical microscopy to describe the petrographic characteristics of their light-colored (siltstone) and dark-colored ...
Ritmitos de itu: Petrografia e considerações paleodeposicionais
Rhythmite samples from Varvite Quarry and Park of Itu (SP), and well cores from Rafard (SP), were analyzed by optical microscopy to describe the petrographic characteristics of their light-colored (siltstone) and dark-colored ...
Proveniência, paleogeografia e sedimentologia dos depósitos do Grupo Itararé no extremo sul da Bacia do Paraná
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2019-08-24)
Fine-grained rhythmite is a recurrent sedimentary facies in glacially-influenced marine and lacustrine sequences throughout geological time. Paleoenvironmental interpretation of these ancient deposits has been a challenged ...
Proveniência, paleogeografia e sedimentologia dos depósitos do Grupo Itararé no extremo sul da Bacia do Paraná
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2019-08-24)
Fine-grained rhythmite is a recurrent sedimentary facies in glacially-influenced marine and lacustrine sequences throughout geological time. Paleoenvironmental interpretation of these ancient deposits has been a challenged ...
Millennial-scale climate cycles in Permian-Carboniferous rhythmites: Permanent feature throughout geologic time?
Two late Paleozoic glacial rhythmite successions from the Itarare Group (Parana Basin, Brazil) were examined for paleoclimate variations. Paleomagnetic (characteristic remanent magnetization, ChRM) and magnetic susceptibility ...
Miocene semidiurnal tidal rhythmites in Madre de Dios, Peru
(Geological Society of AmericaUS, 2005-03)
New data from upper Miocene deposits in the Madre de Dios region, southern Peru, allow the delineation of tidal regime for the first time in western Amazonia and provide strong evidence of elevated tidal range and ...
Miocene semidiurnal tidal rhythmites in Madre de Dios, Peru: Reply
(Geological Society of AmericaUS, 2006-01)
Hoorn et al. commented on the following aspects of our 2005 Geology article: 1) the age of the sediments, 2) the interpreted brackish water affi nity of the studied deposits, and 3) the possible connection between Paraná ...
Ritmitas mareales en la Formación Puncoviscana (s.l.) en la localidad de Rancagua, noroeste argentino: dinámica mareal y consideraciones paleoastronómicasTidal rhythmites in the Puncoviscana Formation (s.l.) at Rancagua locality, Northwestern Argentina: tidal dynamics and paleoastronomic considerations
(Asociación Geológica Argentina, 2010-01)
Las ritmitas mareales constituyen una clara evidencia de sedimentación afectada por las mareas pudiendo preservar los períodos mareales inducidos astronómicamente al momento del depósito. Las investigaciones de secuencias ...