Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 503
Effect of Nitrogen Source on Some Rhizospheric Properties and Persistence of my Corrhizal Fungal Propagules in an Andisol
(Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIA, 2008)
Bacterial communities in the rhizosphere of Vitis vinifera L. cultivated under distinct agricultural practices in Argentina
(Springer, 2015-02)
Plants interact with a myriad of microbial cells in the rhizosphere, an environment that is considered to be important for plant development. However, the differential structuring of rhizosphere microbial communities due ...
Effects of different forms of nitrogen on rhizosphere microbial community structure of Eichhornia crassipes (Pontederiaceae)
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2016)
Soil acidity changes in bulk soil and maize rhizosphere in response to nitrogen fertilization
(Taylor & Francis, 2008-10)
The capacity of nitrogen (N) fertilizers to acidify the soil is regulated principally by the rate and N source. Nitrogen fertilizers undergo hydrolysis and nitrification in soil, resulting in the release of free hydrogen ...
Rhizosphere characteristics of two arsenic hyperaccumulating Pteris ferns
(Elsevier, 2009-08-01)
Better understanding of the processes controlling arsenic bioavailability in the rhizosphere is important to enhance plant arsenic accumulation by hyperaccumulators. This greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the ...
Rhizosphere phosphorus depletion by three crops differing in their phosphorus critical levels
(Wiley, 2012-12)
It has been reported for many soils that maize (Zea mays L.) has a higher soil‐P critical level than soybean (Glycine max L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L). The objective of this work was to compare the rhizosphere ...
Convergent and divergent responses of the rhizosphere chemistry and bacterial communities to a stress gradient in the Atacama Desert
Plants can modulate their rhizosphere chemistry, thereby influencing microbe communities. Although our understanding of rhizosphere chemistry is growing, knowledge of its responses to abiotic constraints is limited, ...
Rainfall reduction impacts rhizosphere biogeochemistry in eucalypts grown in a deep Ferralsol in Brazil
Background and aims: Comparing root functioning under contrasting rainfall regimes can help assessing the capacity of plant species to cope with more intense and frequent drought predicted under climate change context. ...
Metal solubility in the rhizosphere of a co-cropping system. The role of total carbon exudation, soluble proteins and plant interaction
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2021-06)
In the present study we assessed how modified rhizosphere pH and root exudation (total carbon (C) and soluble proteins released) affected lead (Pb) solubility as well as plant growth and Pb accumulation. A pot experiment ...