Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 34
Fire and herbivory shape belowground bud banks in a semi-arid African savanna
Fire and herbivory are major drivers in tropical savanna ecosystems and they selected a flora composed of species able to cope with recurrent aboveground biomass removal. Renewal of the herbaceous stratum is made possible ...
Post-fire regeneration strategies in a frequently burned Cerrado community
Aim: Fire is a natural disturbance in many ecosystems throughout the world where plant populations can persist by the resprouting of individuals and/or by recruiting from seeds. We evaluated the post-fire regeneration ...
Potencial de espécies nativas para revegetação de campos rupestres
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2016-01-26)
The introduction of plant species is a central topic in restoration research and a relevant active restoration technique for degraded areas in ecosystems with great biodiversity and low resilience, as are the rupestrian ...
Relative size to resprouters determines post-fire recruitment of non-serotinous pines
(Elsevier Science, 2018-12)
The persistence of non-serotinous pines in Mediterranean forests can be threatened by climate-mediated changes in fire regimes that may favor the dominance of resprouters or other fire-adapted species. Recovery of ...
Resprouting from roots in four Brazilian tree species
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2009)
Resprouting increases seedling persistence likelihood after fire in a semelparous bamboo species
(Elsevier, 2020-08-18)
Chusquea culeou is a semelparous bamboo species which dominates the understorey of temperate forests and shrublands of Patagonia, South America. After the massive flowering, seeding and subsequent die-off, it provides an ...
Resprouting from roots in four Brazilian tree speciesResprouting from roots in four Brazilian tree species
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2009)
Resprouting from roots in four Brazilian tree species
Previous studies pointed out that species richness and high density values within the Leguminosae in Brazilian forest fragments affected by fire could be due, at least partially, to the high incidence of root sprouting in ...