Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 503
Chilean Regional Strategies in Response to Economic Liberalization
The article analyzes the foreign investment decision as a response to the economic liberalization in Chile, using data obtained from a survey of 102 managers I argue that the knowledge on strategies in response to reforms ...
Como sair do regime liberal de política econômica e da quase-estagnação desde 1990
(Instituto de Estudos Avançados da Universidade de São Paulo, 2017-04-01)
Brazil has grown extraordinarily between 1930 and 1980 under a regime of developmental economic policy; since 1990, it is quasi-stagnant under a liberal regime. Lula did nothing to change it. Dilma Rousseff tried, in 2011, ...
El papel de la región de la ASEAN en la futura economía global
(Universidad ESAN. ESAN EdicionesPE, 1997-12-30)
Provides a retrospective assessment of ASEAN’s role in the last 30 years, and analysis of current issues and some trends or prospects for its future in relation to the global economy. He points out that this region has ...
Stability with growth. Macroeconomics, liberalization and development
(Oxford University Press, 2006)
This book discusses the current debates on macroeconomics, capital market liberalization, and development, and develops a new framework within which one can assess alternative policies. The authors share the belief that ...
Economics of oil regulation and the Brazilian reform: some issues
This paper reviews the economic fundamentals for regulation in the oil industry, with a focus on the current regulatory proposal for the Brazilian oil industry. The observed exploration and production (E&P) contracts foresee ...
Blaming it on the Weather: The Role of “Inclement” Rainfall in Society- Nature Relations in Liberal Costa Rica (1860-1940)
This article seeks to shed light on some of the many possible interactions between changes in rainfall regime, one of the climatic factors with the greatest bearing on the history of human society, and the economic and ...