Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 584
Bird Community Dynamics and Habitat Associations in Karst, Mangrove and Pterocarpus Forest Fragments in an Urban Zone in Puerto Rico
(Caribbean Journal of Science, Vol. 44, No. 3, 402-416, 2008, 2014)
Does urbanization affect the seasonal dynamics of bird communities in urban parks?
(Springer, 2016-06)
The environmental factors affecting the spatial dynamics of bird communities in urban parks are well understood, but much less attention has been paid to the seasonal dynamics of bird communities. Since migrant and resident ...
The golden lancehead Bothrops insularis (Serpentes: Viperidae) relies on two seasonally plentiful bird species visiting its island habitat
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2012-01-01)
Adult individuals of the island pitviper Bothrops insularis have a diet based on birds. We analysed bird species recorded in the gut of this snake and found that it relies on two out of 41 bird species recorded on the ...
The golden lancehead Bothrops insularis (Serpentes: Viperidae) relies on two seasonally plentiful bird species visiting its island habitat
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2012-01-01)
Adult individuals of the island pitviper Bothrops insularis have a diet based on birds. We analysed bird species recorded in the gut of this snake and found that it relies on two out of 41 bird species recorded on the ...
Noise level and water distance drive resident and migratory bird species richness within a Neotropical megacity
A large body of evidence indicates that urbanization profoundly affects ecological communities, but the extent to which patterns are generalizable across regions, such as in the Neotropics, remains unclear. We examined ...
The golden lancehead Bothrops insularis (Serpentes: Viperidae) relies on two seasonally plentiful bird species visiting its island habitat
Adult individuals of the island pitviper Bothrops insularis have a diet based on birds. We analysed bird species recorded in the gut of this snake and found that it relies on two out of 41 bird species recorded on the ...
Abundance and diversity of small-bird assemblages in the Monte desert, Argentina
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2005-12)
Assemblages of small bird species (o90 gbody mass) from the Monte desert in Argentinawere studied to analyze spatial and temporal variation in abundance and species richness.Mean species richness was higher during breeding ...