Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 258280
Quantitative and qualitative work overload and its double effect on the work-family Interface
(School of Business and Economics, Universidad del Desarrollo, 2015-10)
Researchers have overemphasized the effects of working time over the work-family (WF) interface. In this article, we focus on how workload acts as a stressor in the family domain. We present a framework with which we explore ...
Quantitative and qualitative work overload and its double effect on the work-family Interface
(School of Business and Economics, Universidad del Desarrollo, 2015-10)
Researchers have overemphasized the effects of working time over the work-family (WF) interface. In this article, we focus on how workload acts as a stressor in the family domain. We present a framework with which we explore ...
Vaccines for the leishmaniases: proposals for a research agenda
(Public Library of Science, 2011)
Research in the School: Theoretical and Methodological Reflections
In this work I socialize my experience as researcher in an elementary school in a city in the state of Sã o Paulo during two years. The presence in the school aimed to understand how teachers would re-create the public ...
Working within hyphen-spaces in ethnographic research: implications for research identities and practice
(Sage Publications Inc, 2013-07)
Ethnographers often find themselves wrestling with choices about their relationship with respondents: choices experienced by researchers engaged in many other methodologies. This article examines the agentic and political ...
Dialogical principles for qualitative inquiry: a nonfoundational path
(Univ Alberta, Int Inst Qualitative Methodology, 2014)
Leaving the thesis proposal defense room, the PhD business student had an important assignment to accomplish before being authorized to set a date for defending her thesis: to better justify the validity of her qualitative ...
Produzir saberes sobre o trabalho: Um método em Psicologia
This study had as objectives: a) identify and discuss the epistemological foundations that contributed to the development of the self-confrontation; b) methodize a proposal of application of this device. The self-confrontation ...
Notes For Historical Research On The Teacher's WorkApontamentos Para A Pesquisa Histórica Sobre O Trabalho Docente
(Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Parana, 2016)