Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 785
Implicaciones clínicas y quirúrgicas de las variaciones anatómicas vasculares del riñón
(Universidad del RosarioEscuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud, 2010)
Introduction: Precise knowledge of the most frequent types of renal vascular anatomical variations, as well as the adequate clinical evaluation is of great importance during laparoscopic donor nephrectomy and during renal ...
Prevalencia de anemia en pacientes adultos diabéticos tipo 2 con función renal normal en comparación con los diabéticos con función renal anormal
(Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, 2016)
Blink reflex in end-stage-renal disease patients undergoing hemodialysis
(Elsevier B.V., 2002-04-01)
This study analyses the blink reflex in 20 adult male patients with terminal chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis. Abnormalities were found in ten patients (50%), eight of them with conduction studies showing ...
Blink reflex in end-stage-renal disease patients undergoing hemodialysis
(Elsevier B.V., 2002-04-01)
This study analyses the blink reflex in 20 adult male patients with terminal chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis. Abnormalities were found in ten patients (50%), eight of them with conduction studies showing ...
O EEG na insuficiencia renal cronica. II. Atividades paroxisticas
The authors describe paroxismal epileptiform EEG abnormalities in patients with chronic renal failure. One patient presented paroxismal epileptiform abnormalities in the right parietal region which proceded partial ...
O EEG na insuficiencia renal cronica. II. Atividades paroxisticas
The authors describe paroxismal epileptiform EEG abnormalities in patients with chronic renal failure. One patient presented paroxismal epileptiform abnormalities in the right parietal region which proceded partial ...
O EEG na insuficiencia renal cronica. I. Atividade de fundo em repouso e durante ativacao
We examined the EEG of 88 patients with chronic renal failure (80 adults and 8 children) submitted to different types of treatment such as hemodialysis, peritoneal dialisys, renal transplantation, and ambulatory follow-up. ...
Renal compromise in HIV/AIDS in patients attended at a chilean children hospital Compromiso renal e infección por VIH/SIDA en pacientes atendidos en un hospital pediátrico chileno
The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of renal abnormalities in HIV positive children hospitalized in one pediatric hospital in Chile. Method: a cross sectional study was performed during April 2007. Results: ...
Insuficiência renal em pacientes com mieloma múltiplo: uma revisão integrativaRenal failure in patients with multiple myeloma: an integrative review
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNFarmáciaCentro de Ciências da Saúde- Departamento de Farmácia, 2023)
Is rhabdomyolysis an additional factor in the pathogenesis of acute renal failure in leptospirosis?
Leptospirosis is an important cause of acute renal failure in our environment. Although several mechanisms are implicated, the role of rhabdomyolysis in the pathogenesis of acute renal failure in leptospirosis has not been ...