Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 176
O ensino religioso e a ética de Jesus para o adolescente hodierno
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2013-09-11)
This research aimed to increase output before the crisis of meaning in the current postmodernity, as well as the formation of an ecumenical identity in adolescent students through
Christian Religious Education, taking as ...
O ensino religioso e a ética de Jesus para o adolescente hodierno
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2013-09-11)
This research aimed to increase output before the crisis of meaning in the current postmodernity, as well as the formation of an ecumenical identity in adolescent students through
Christian Religious Education, taking as ...
Educación religiosa y desarrollo moral
(Universidad Católica de Pereira, 2014-07-09)
Moral development in an individual's cognitive-structural change. In other words, is the
ability of that individual to assume roles and basic concepts of justice for the San living in
the community to which he belongs. ...
Understanding parental views of adolescent sexuality and sex education in Ecuador: a qualitative study
Parents' contribution to sex education is increasingly receiving research attention. This growing interest stems from recognition of the influence that parental attitudes may have both on young people's sexual attitudes ...
Las percepciones de los adolescentes ante el hecho religioso
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado Licenciatura en Filosofía y Educación ReligiosaFacultad de Educación, 2018-11)
The investigative work is oriented in analyzing the perceptions of the adolescents before the religious fact during the learning process in the subject of religious school education and of their daily life, having base the ...
School Religious Education for an ecological citizenshipEducación Religiosa Escolar para una ciudadanía ecológica
(Instituto Escuela de la Fe, 2022)
O ensino religioso e sua influência na formação ética e social dos adolescentes
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2015-07-24)
Nowadays so much of the crisis of transmission of values is spoken in the society, especially reaching the adolescents and young in their existential dynamics concerning to their ethical and social formation. The present ...
O ensino religioso e sua influência na formação ética e social dos adolescentes
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2015-07-24)
Nowadays so much of the crisis of transmission of values is spoken in the society, especially reaching the adolescents and young in their existential dynamics concerning to their ethical and social formation. The present ...