Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3365
The conventional conflict management system Red Book FIDIC -edition 1999- and its contribution of efficiency in the solution of conflicts in construction projectsEl sistema de gestión conflictual convencional Libro Rojo FIDIC - edición 1999 - y su aporte de eficiencia en la solución de conflictos en los proyectos de construcción
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018)
What Do We Do When We Discuss? A Micro-genetic Analysis of Couples’ Conflict
This article focuses on dialogic discursive dynamics present in couples’ conversations about unresolved conflicts.
The phenomenon of conflict is addressed as a semiotically mediated process of co-construction of the self ...
What Do We Do When We Discuss? A Micro-genetic Analysis of Couples’ Conflict
This article focuses on dialogic discursive dynamics present in couples’ conversations about unresolved conflicts.
The phenomenon of conflict is addressed as a semiotically mediated process of co-construction of the self ...
The assertive resolution of conflicts in school with a gamified emotion education program
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2018-11)
Coexistence in schools inevitably carries a higher risk of conflicts among peers. This fact can be detrimental to the well-being and academic achievement of the students. In many developed countries, about 90% of the pupils ...
Regulación del uso de tierras en la comunidad campesina de Ticlacayán, Pasco, 2004-2014Regulation of land use in the peasant community of Ticlacayán, Pasco, 2004-2014
(Comité de Investigación de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú, 2022)
Contributions and Critical Issues in the Measurement of Sexual Violence Against Women in the Framework of the Armed Conflict in Colombia: A Reflection Based on the Design and Results of the Envise 2010-2015
In this article, the authors present a critical analysis of some of the essential results of the Prevalence Survey of Sexual Violence against women in the context of the Colombian armed conflict for the period 2010-2015. ...
Features Of The Choice Of Applicable Law To Industrial Property
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Activists and regulatory politics: Institutional opportunities, information, and the activation of environmental regulation
(Elsevier, 2020-07)
This article asks why civil society groups appear to have been more successful in activating regulatory institutions in Chile, than in San Juan province, Argentina. The analysis underscores the central role of information ...
Legal disputes as a proxy for regional conflicts over water rights in Chile
Water demand and climate variability increases competition and tension between water users agricultural, industrial, mining, hydropower- and local communities. Since 1981, the Water Code has regulated water allocation ...