Now showing items 1-10 of 116865
Generalizações de anéis regulares e anéis nil limpos
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilICEX - INSTITUTO DE CIÊNCIAS EXATASPrograma de Pós-Graduação em MatemáticaUFMG, 2019-09-26)
In this work, we will talk about regular rings, strongly regular rings, π-regular rings, strongly π-regular rings, clean rings and nil clean rings. The regular elements were defined in 1936 by von Neumann. In 1939, McCoy ...
Regularity inheritance in pseudorandom graphs
(Wiley, 2020)
Advancing the sparse regularity method, we prove one-sided and two-sided regularity inheritance lemmas for subgraphs of bijumbled graphs, improving on results of Conlon, Fox, and Zhao. These inheritance lemmas also imply ...
Regularity inheritance in pseudorandom graphs
(John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2020)
Advancing the sparse regularity method, we prove one-sided and two-sided regularity inheritance lemmas for subgraphs of bijumbled graphs, improving on results of Conlon, Fox, and Zhao. These inheritance lemmas also imply ...
Ladrilhamentos regulares e semirregulares do plano
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarCâmpus São CarlosMatemática - MNL, 2021-11-24)
The tiling technique consists of filling the plane with geometric figures without overlapping or empty spaces. Although this technique is quite old, the science is recent and contains aspects that have not yet been developed ...
Regular queries on graph databases
(Springer, 2017)
Graph databases are currently one of the most popular paradigms for storing data. One of the key conceptual differences between graph and relational databases is the focus on navigational queries that ask whether some nodes ...
Prox-regularity approach to generalized equations and image projection
(EDP Sciences, 2018-04)
In this paper, we first investigate the prox-regularity behaviour of solution mappings to generalized equations. This study is realized through a nonconvex uniform Robinson Ursescu type theorem. Then, we derive new significant ...
Eventos Pasados y Futuros
L- and Θ-curve approaches for the selection of regularization parameter in geophysical diffraction tomography
Since inverse problems are usually ill-posed it is necessary to use some method to reduce their deficiencies. The method that we choose is the regularization by derivative matrices. When a first derivative matrix is used ...
Regular Verbs -ed
IMAGE: This image succinctly explains how to form the past simple for regular verbs in English.