Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 439
The corruption-enhancing role of re-election incentives? Counterintuitive evidence from Brazil's audit reports
(Sage Publications Inc, 2009-12)
Traditional wisdom on the effect of re-election on incumbent performance is that first-term politicians refrain from rent extraction because they want to be re-elected. The authors find no evidence to support this belief. ...
O que é que o reeleito tem? O retorno: o esboço de uma teoria da reeleição no Brasil
What does the reelected have? The return: the outline of a reelection theory in Brazil. This article compares the determinants of electoral success in two consecutive Brazilian legislative elections, 1998 and 2002. There ...
Fiscal policy and reelection in Brazilian municipalities
(SPRINGER, 2008)
This paper uses a new panel of more than 2,000 Brazilian municipalities over 13 years to analyze the influence of public expenditures on the probability of mayors` reelection. We examine Brazilian municipal elections from ...
Rewarding the Corrupt? Reelection and Scandal Involvement in the Brazilian 2006 Legislative Elections
(Universidad de Los Andes, 2008)
The perpetual electoral campaign: how Brazilian mayors secure reelection through government advertising
Is a comparatively diminutive budget item – government expenditures on advertising in the news media – imperiling an effective news media and a transparent and competitive electoral process? High government expenditures ...
Reelection or term limits? the short and the long run view of economic policy
(Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 1999-12)
An incumbent’s drive for reelection can lead to political budget cycles. The
distortion cycles cause in economic policy may be offset by the information they
indirectly provide about the incumbent's competency. The ...
Reelection incentives and political corruption : evidence from Brazil’s municipal audit reports
(Escola de Pós-Graduação em Economia da FGV, 2005-08-11)
This paper uses a unique dataset of political corruption, constructed from municipal audit reports obtained from Brazil’s randomized anti-corruption program, to test whether reelection incentives affect the level of rent ...
Reelecting corrupt incumbents in exchange for public goods: rouba mas faz in Brazil
(Latin Amer Studies Assoc, 2015)
This article addresses the paradox of unpopular corruption and popular corrupt politicians. It explores why corrupt politicians are reelected, paying particular attention to incumbent provision of public goods and voter ...
Electoral Control in the Presence of Moral Hazard and Adverse SelectionElectoral Control in the Presence of Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection
(Sociedade Brasileira de Econometria, 2008)