Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 66
The Fate of Corals: Will They Overcome Competition with Algae and Cyanobacteria in a Changing Environment?
Coral reefs provide substantial ecological and economic services to coastal communities
in the tropics. Hence, there is a great concern about the permanence of these ecosystems
and the consequent loss of the economic, ...
Succession of the sessile benthic community at a coral reef restoration site
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2023)
The effect of coral reef degradation on the trophic structure of reef fishes from Bahía Culebra, north Pacific coast of Costa Rica
Fishes play numerous key ecological roles that are critical for maintaining the structure and function of coral reefs. Natural and anthropogenic disturbances can produce structural changes in coral reef habitats, which ...
Rapid assessment of Mona Island’s coral reefs following the 2005-2006 post-bleaching mass mortality event: Evidence of climate change impacts
(External Scientific Advisory Committe (ESAC), 2012)
The coral-associated fauna and sessile benthic reef community of Pocillopora coral colonies following transplantation in Golfo Dulce, South Pacific, Costa Rica: Composition, dynamics and succession
Coral reef restoration through coral gardening and transplantation is a valuable tool in combating the loss of critical ecosystem services and biodiversity provided by coral reefs. This study follows the changes in the ...
Dynamics in benthic community composition and influencing factors in an upwelling-exposed coral reef on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica
Seasonal upwelling at the northern Pacific coast of Costa Rica offers the opportunity to investigate the effects of pronounced changes in key water parameters on fine-scale dynamics of local coral reef communities. This ...
Dynamics in benthic community composition and influencing factors in an upwelling-exposed coral reef on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica
Seasonal upwelling at the northern Pacific coast of Costa Rica offers the opportunity to investigate the effects of pronounced changes in key water parameters on fine-scale dynamics of local coral reef communities. This ...
Paleoenvironmental setting and description of an estuarine oyster reef in the Eocene of Patagonia, southern Argentina
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd., 2014-12)
A middle Eocene Crassostrea sp. reef near Río Turbio, southwestern Patagonia (Argentina), represents the earliest record of an oyster reef associated with estuarine facies in the southern hemisphere, and also one of the ...
Simulated overfishing and natural eutrophication promote the relative success of a non-indigenous ascidian in coral reefs at the Pacific coast of Costa Rica
Colonial ascidians of the genus Didemnum are common fouling organisms and are typically associated with degraded ecosystems
and anthropogenic structures installed in the sea. In this study, however, the non-indigenous ...