Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3587
Dinâmica de des-re-territorialização na comunidade do mutirão em Campina Grande/PB: reflexões a partir dos desastres "naturais"
(Universidade Federal de PernambucoUFPEBrasilPrograma de Pos Graduacao em Geografia, 2016)
Tourism, heritage and health: An analysis of the re-existence of Carimbó Belenense's territoriality in the amazon “quarantine”Turismo, patrimônio e saúde: Uma análise da re-existência da territorialidade do Carimbó Belenense na “quarentena” amazônica
The present work seeks to analyze the implications and general tensions linked by the Covid-19 pandemic quarantine in the Brazilian Amazon to the territoriality of the Carimbó as a tourist attraction in urban Belenense. ...
Immigration Territoriality of Bolivian Workers in Mendoza (Argentina). Ethnographic Approach Based on Three Case Studies Located in Rural Areas
Based on an ethnographic fieldwork in the rural territories of Mendoza made between 2009 and the present, in this work I analyze the way in which the territorial movements of labor migrants between different regions of ...
Bosques nativos en Salta: Entre el ordenamiento territorial y los re-(des)ordenamientos posiblesNative forests in Salta: Between the territory ordering and the possible re-(dis)orderings
(Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Departamento de Geografía, 2014-12)
En noviembre de 2007 fue sancionada la Ley Nacional Nº 26.331 ("ley de bosques"), instando a cada provincia a realizar un Ordenamiento Territorial de Bosques Nativos. Salta fue una de las primeras jurisdicciones en llevarlo ...