Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 28050
Diversidad del fitoplancton en el eje fluvial Paraguay-ParanáPhytoplankton biodiversity in Paraguay-Paraná rivers
(Magna, 2005-06)
Phytoplankton biodiversity in Paraguay-Paraná hydrographic basin was analized, including Paraguay and Paraná rivers and its floodplain. This contribution is based upon information published in taxonomic and ecological ...
Aplicacao da analise discriminante no estudo hidroquimico does rios Corumbatai e Piracicaba (SP)
The results indicated potassium as the most important for the discrimination between groups of samples, followed by magnesium, calcium and sodium. As the area has been under intense sugar cane industrialisation, the soil ...
Aplicacao da analise discriminante no estudo hidroquimico does rios Corumbatai e Piracicaba (SP)
The results indicated potassium as the most important for the discrimination between groups of samples, followed by magnesium, calcium and sodium. As the area has been under intense sugar cane industrialisation, the soil ...
Contaminación orgánica del río Chambo en el área de descarga de agua residual de la ciudad de Riobamba.
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2018-08-28)
The problem of water pollution is one of the great challenges for humanity. therefore, its study and knowledge are needed, especially in places with little infrastructure that allows the treatment of wastewater, such as ...
New Records of the Black Fly Fauna (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Two Rivers of the Western Amazonia, Brazil
(Entomological Society of Brazil, 2019)
Evaluation of the potential of unconventional energy resources in Peru Valle Chancay-HuaralEvaluación del potencial de recursos energéticos no convencionales en el Perú Valle Chancay - Huaral
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ingeniería Geológica, Minera, Metalúrgica y Geográfica, 1998)
Perfil longitudinal e a aplicação do índice de gradiente (RDE) no rio dos Patos, bacia hidrográfica do rio Ivaí, PR
This paper presents the results of the longitudinal profile analysis and the application of gradient index (RDE) in the Patos River, a tributary of the Ivaí River basin, PR. The goal is identify and quantify the anomalous ...
Perfil longitudinal e a aplicação do índice de gradiente (RDE) no rio dos Patos, bacia hidrográfica do rio Ivaí, PR
This paper presents the results of the longitudinal profile analysis and the application of gradient index (RDE) in the Patos River, a tributary of the Ivaí River basin, PR. The goal is identify and quantify the anomalous ...