Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 136
Stress-Strength Reliability Analysis with Extreme Values based on q-Exponential Distribution
(Wiley, 2017)
When dealing with practical problems of stress-strength reliability, one can work with fatigue life data and make use of the well-known relation between stress and cycles until failure. For some materials, this kind of ...
Reliability data analysis of systems in the wear-out phase using a (corrected) q-Exponential likelihood
(Elsevier, 2020)
Maintenance-related decisions are often based on the expected number of interventions during a specified period of time. The proper estimation of this quantity relies on the choice of the probabilistic model that best fits ...
Combining generalized renewal processes with non-extensive entropy-based q-distributions for reliability applications
(MDPI, 2018-04)
The Generalized Renewal Process (GRP) is a probabilistic model for repairable systems that can represent the usual states of a system after a repair: as new, as old, or in a condition between new and old. It is often coupled ...
Slashed Exponentiated Rayleigh Distribution
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá - Facultad de Ciencias - Departamento de Estadística, 2015-07-01)
In this paper we introduce a new distribution for modeling positive data with high kurtosis. This distribution can be seen as an extension of the exponentiated Rayleigh distribution. This extension builds on the quotient of ...
Extended q-Gaussian and q-exponential distributions from gamma random variables
(American Physical Society, 2015-05-11)
The family of q-Gaussian and q-exponential probability densities fit thestatistical behavior of diverse complex self-similar non-equilibriumsystems. These distributions, independently of the underlying dynamics, can ...
On the parameter estimation problem of the q-Exponential distribution for reliability applications
(Universidade Federal de PernambucoUFPEBrasilPrograma de Pos Graduacao em Engenharia de Producao, 2019)
New mathematics for the non additive Tsallis' scenario
(World Scientific, 2017-04)
In this paper, we investigate quantum uncertainties in a Tsallis’ nonadditive In this paper, we investigate quantum uncertainties in a Tsallis’ nonadditive scenario. To such an end we appeal to q-exponentials (qEs), that ...