Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 64
Módulos elásticos equivalentes para predicción de deformaciones en articulaciones
(Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, 2018)
Módulos elásticos equivalentes para predicción de deformaciones en articulaciones
En el estudio de la mecánica de contacto de las articulaciones humanas, la deformación de las superficies en
contacto es fundamental porque posibilita un canal por el que fluye el lubricante reduciendo el desgaste. Para ...
Stresses in steel wire ropes transversely impacted by a punctual mass
(Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, 2019-06)
A deeper understanding in the transverse impact of wire ropes is
required to be able to design more and improved structures to reduce the
soaring loss of human lifes in traffic accident, by fall of object in mines and
the ...
Stresses in steel wire ropes transversely impacted by a punctual mass
(Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, 2019-06)
A deeper understanding in the transverse impact of wire ropes is
required to be able to design more and improved structures to reduce the
soaring loss of human lifes in traffic accident, by fall of object in mines and
the ...
Rasgos de contacto en textos escritos por alumnos: una ventana a la diversidad lingüística en la escuela primariaContact traits in elementary school children’s written texts: a window to linguistic diversity at school
(Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario del Norte, 2019)
Influência do contato interproximal em próteses fixas implanto-suportadas na mandíbula edentada posterior análise fotoelástica
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBRPrograma de Pós-graduação em OdontologiaCiências da SaúdeUFU, 2016)
Laser light may improve the symptoms of oral lesions of cicatricial pemphigoid: a case report
(Brasil, 2009)
Objective: The aim of this work is to report the handling of a patient suffering from cicatricial pemphigoid (CP) treated with laser phototherapy (LPT) and systemic steroids. Background Data: CP is a group of rare chronic ...
Avaliação dos níveis de iluminância em bibliotecas universitárias de Curitiba
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilEspecialização em Engenharia de Segurança do TrabalhoUTFPR, 2016-05-18)
Companies sought in recent years the comfort and safety of its employees in order to increase their production and consequently their profits reduced its losses and damages, meet increasingly stringent legislation. The ...
Avaliação de atividade de educação ambiental em trilha interpretativa, dois a três anos após sua realização
(Acta Scientiarum, 2006)
The objective of this work was to carry out a re-evaluation of children which participated in an environmental education (EE) activity in the Interpretative Trail of the UEG, during 2002 and 2003. These children (test ...
Remote education to deaf students in pandemic timesLa educación remota a los estudiantes sordos em tiempos pandémicosEnsino remoto para alunos surdos em tempos de pandemia
Since the Covid-19 outbreak in Brazil, changes occurred to face this pandemic and social isolation (lockdown) is one. The State of Paraná implemented remote education showing concerns of the school community regarding the ...