Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 242
(Univ Estadual Mato Grosso Sul, 2021-08-01)
In this paper, it is aimed to investigate the ambivalently psychological construction of the protagonist Jose Celio in the novel De mim ja nem se lembra, by Luiz Ruffato. Jose Celio's perception, regarding his migration ...
"If my plan doesn't work, i'll follow the doctor's orders". A dialogical self analysis of chronic patients' medical treatment ambivalence
(Taylor and Francis, 2020)
A patient's ambivalence toward medical and psychotherapeutic treatment is a strong predictor of its outcome. This is especially relevant in the treatment of common chronic conditions such as hypertension (HT), in which ...
Nations' income inequality predicts ambivalence in stereotype content: How societies mind the gap
(Wiley-BlackwellGB, 2013)
Income inequality undermines societies: The more inequality, the more health problems, social tensions, and the lower social mobility, trust, life expectancy. Given people's tendency to legitimate existing social arrangements, ...
Psychometric Properties of the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI) in Ecuadorian Adult PopulationPropiedades psicométricas del Inventario de Sexismo Ambivalente (ASI) en población adulta ecuatorianaPsychometric Properties of the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI) in Ecuadorian Adult Population
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2022)
Estereotipos femeninos y preferencia de consumo
De acuerdo a la teoría del Sexismo Ambivalente (Glick y Fiske, 1996) existen estereotipos diferenciados de mujeres hacia los que los hombres manifiestan distintas actitudes. Entre los subtipos de mujeres destacan el ama ...
Estereotipos femeninos y preferencia de consumo
De acuerdo a la teoría del Sexismo Ambivalente (Glick y Fiske, 1996) existen estereotipos diferenciados de mujeres hacia los que los hombres manifiestan distintas actitudes. Entre los subtipos de mujeres destacan el ama ...
Propriedades psicométricas da versão brasileira do Questionário de Ambivalência em Psicoterapia (QAP)
(Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF)BrasilICH – Instituto de Ciências HumanasPrograma de Pós-graduação em PsicologiaUFJF, 2019)
Ethical Analysis of a Qualitative Researcher's Unease in Encountering a Participant's Existential Ambivalence
(Annual Review of Nursing Research, 2016-01-01)
Gaining in-depth understanding of the experiences of persons who have suffered traumatic events with physical and psychological sequelae is important for building effective interventions. However, qualitative research of ...
Crianças em situação de abrigamento que possuem vínculos familiares: busca de significados
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2008-10-28)
The general objective of this research was: analyze the meanings given by children under shelter with family ties and as specific objectives: knowing the path taken by these children until they got under shelter through ...