Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 68
Chilean validation of the operationalized psychodynamic diagnosis-structure questionnaire (OPD-SQ) for personality structure
Background: This is the validation of the Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis—Structure Questionnaire (OPD-SQ).
Methods: A clinical sample of 399 adults and a nonclinical general population sample of 50 healthy adults ...
Evaluation of psychic change through the application of empirical and clinical techniques for a 2-year treatment: a single case study
(Universidad de Belgrano. Facultad de Humanidades. Proyectos de Investigación, 2005)
The authors present results obtained by a combination of clinical and empirical methods used in the evaluation of psychic
change involving a single case study carried out during 2 years of nonmanualized psychodynamic ...
Operationalized psychodynamic diagnosis (OPD- 2): Preliminary assessment of its validity and inter-rater reliability Diagnóstico Psicodinámico Operacionalizado (OPD- 2): Evaluación preliminar de la validez y confiabilidad inter-evaluador
Introduction: OPD (Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis) is a recently introduced semistructured and operationalized method of personality evaluation and diagnosis in developing countries. This preliminary report assess ...
(Universidad Católica del Uruguay, 2015)
Recognizing oneself in the encounter with others: meaningful moments in systemic therapy for social anxiety disorder in the eyes of patients and their therapists after the end of therapy
(Public Library Science, 2021)
There is evidence that systemic therapy is effective, but there is little evidence about meaningful moments in systemic therapy in general, and none at all in systemic therapy for social anxiety disorders. Meaningful moments ...
Recognizing oneself in the encounter with others: Meaningful moments in systemic therapy for social anxiety disorder in the eyes of patients and their therapists after the end of therapy
There is evidence that systemic therapy is effective, but there is little evidence about meaningful moments in systemic therapy in general, and none at all in systemic therapy for social anxiety disorders. Meaningful moments ...
Tratamento do transtorno de pânico com terapia psicodramática de grupo
(Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria - ABP, 2001-09-01)
INTRODUÇÃO/OBJETIVOS: Há poucos trabalhos publicados sobre psicoterapia grupal para pacientes com transtorno de pânico (TP); além disso, esses estudos geralmente são restritos a abordagens cognitivo-comportamentais. O ...
Tratamento do transtorno de pânico com terapia psicodramática de grupo
(Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria - ABP, 2001-09-01)
INTRODUÇÃO/OBJETIVOS: Há poucos trabalhos publicados sobre psicoterapia grupal para pacientes com transtorno de pânico (TP); além disso, esses estudos geralmente são restritos a abordagens cognitivo-comportamentais. O ...