Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 327
The Protestant Road to Bureaucracy
(Cambridge University Press, 2023)
After the seventeenth century, rulers across Europe attempted reforms to replace amateur administrators with professional bureaucrats. The success of administrative reforms hinged on whether rulers could compensate entrenched ...
Police, Violence, and the "Logic of Damage": Comparing US and Chilean Media Portrayals of Protests
(Wiley, 2023)
Drawing from the protest paradigm and the mediation opportunity structure, this study textually analyzes mainstream and alternative media coverage of the 2019 inequality protests in Chile and the 2020 racial justice protests ...
The Virtues of Leisure
The contrary vision of leisure and work is put on the table. On one side, leisure is seen as the most productive moment of intellectual productivity: one feels, thinks and observes in the stillness. On the other hand, work ...
Protestando en la cuna del neoliberalismo. Factores explicativos macrosociales del movimiento estudiantil universitario chileno en la postdictadura (1990- 2019)
The recent rise of social protest in Latin America has con-tradicted the hypotheses that predicted neoliberal reforms would weaken social movements in the region. In this re-spect, the Chilean student movement is paradigmatic ...
Land, Protest and Politics: the Landless Movement and the Struggle for Agrarian Reform in Brazil
(Cambridge Univ Press, 2011-05-01)
Karl Gunther, Reformation Unbound. Protestant Visions of Reform in England, 1525-1590, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2014, 296 páginas.
(Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2015)
Resulta un desafío hallar en la historia inglesa un proceso histórico más complejo y de consecuencias más profundas que la Reforma. La dificultad se incrementa exponencialmente si el interés cronológico se limita a la Edad ...
Social protests in Chile and liquid times. An opportunity for urgent reforms in the field of public healthProtestas sociales en Chile y tiempos líquidos. Una oportunidad para reformas urgentes en el campo de la salud pública
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Medicina Humana, 2019)
Human rights violations committed in chile after the social outburst of "18-O"
(William S. Hein, 2020)
We analyzed thousands of injury reports that occurred in Chile since October 18, 2019, when public protests descended into violence. Admist clashes, with the police and military, this movement was propelled by high school ...
La Reforma Protestante: ¿Un nuevo periodo histórico?The protestant reformation: A new historical period?
(Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México, 2021)
La Edad Moderna suele situar su inicio en 1453, con la caída del Imperio Bizantino, sin embargo, esta fecha es arbitraria. Algunos investigadores han puesto el inicio de esta era con la publicación de las 95 tesis de Lutero ...
The impact of the Protestant ReformationEl impacto de la reforma protestante
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2018)