Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 78
Priapism And Clozapine Use In A Patient With Hypochondriacal Delusional Syndrome
Increased Cavernosal Relaxations in Sickle Cell Mice Priapism are Associated with Alterations in the NO-cGMP Signaling Pathway
(Wiley-blackwell Publishing, IncMaldenEUA, 2009)
Priapism associated with risperidone use. Report of one case
(Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 2012)
The use of drugs with α-adrenergic antagonistic effect is one of the most prominent etiologies of priapism. We report a 32-year-old schizophrenic male in treatment with risperidone who consulted in the emergency room for ...
Follow-up of sickle cell disease patients with priapism treated by hydroxyurea
(Wiley-lissHobokenEUA, 2004)
Malignant priapism, review of the literature: Two cases reports
Introduction: Malignant priapism or priapism secondary to metastatic infiltration is rarely seen condition. Most patients present with extensive involvement of the primary disease, and with few options for medical or ...
Phoneutria nigriventer spider toxin Tx2-6 causes priapism and death: A histopathological investigation in mice
Phoneutria nigriventer spider bite causes priapism, an effect attributed to the peptide toxins Tx2-5 and Tx2-6 and involving nitric oxide. Tx2-6 (MW = 5287) is known to delay the inactivation of Sodium channels in the same ...
Beneficial Effect of the Nitric Oxide Donor Compound 3-(1,3-Dioxoisoindolin-2-yl)Benzyl Nitrate on Dysregulated Phosphodiesterase 5, NADPH Oxidase, and Nitrosative Stress in the Sickle Cell Mouse Penis: Implication for Priapism Treatment
(Amer Soc Pharmacology Experimental Therapeutics, 2016-11-01)
Patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) display priapism, and dysregulated nitric oxide (NO) pathway may contribute to this condition. However, current therapies offered for the prevention of priapism in SCD are few. The ...
Beneficial Effect Of The Nitric Oxide Donor Compound 3-(1,3-dioxoisoindolin-2-yl)benzyl Nitrate On Dysregulated Phosphodiesterase 5, Nadph Oxidase, And Nitrosative Stress In The Sickle Cell Mouse Penis: Implication For Priapism Treatment
(Amer Soc Pharmacology Experimental TherapeuticsBethesda, 2016)