Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 60
A sigmoidal fit for pressure-volume curves of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients on mechanical ventilation: clinical implications
(Faculdade de Medicina / USPSão Paulo, 2011)
OBJECTIVE: Respiratory pressure-volume curves fitted to exponential equations have been used to assess disease severity and prognosis in spontaneously breathing patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Sigmoidal equations ...
Mathematical analysis of the pressure-volume curve of the left ventricle
Objective: To present a practical approach to cardiac performance factors based upon physical and mathe-matical foundations that lie under the left ventricularpressure volume loop. Methods: Theoretical analysis of the left ...
A comparison of methods to identify open-lung PEEP
(SPRINGER, 2009)
Purpose: Many methods exist in the literature for identifying PEEP to set in ARDS patients following a lung recruitment maneuver (RM). We compared ten published parameters for setting PEEP following a RM. Methods: Lung ...
Long term responses and adaptive strategies of Pistacia lentiscus under moderate and severe deficit irrigation and salinity: Osmotic and elastic adjustment, growth, ion uptake and photosynthetic activity
Pistacia lentiscus is a wild species that grows widely in the Mediterranean area. However, despite it appearing to be particularly resistant to some stressful conditions, drought and salinity may alter its physiological ...
Intervención fisioterapéutica en monitoreo grafico en ventilación mecánica invasiva
La ventilación mecánica es una medida de soporte vital que se instaura cuando el sistema respiratorio no puede suplir las demandas metabólicas del organismo, se inicia con una fase de ventilación controlada, durante la ...
Chronic exposure to ambient levels of urban particles affects mouse lung development
Rationale- Chronic exposure to air pollution has been associated with adverse effects on children`s lung growth. Objectives: We analyzed the effects of chronic exposure to urban levels of particulate matter (PM) on selected ...
Influence of chest wall on lung mechanics during inspiration
(Philadelphia, 2014-01-29)
RATIONALE: The interaction between lungs and chest wall influences lung volume, that determines lung history during respiration cycle. In this study, the influence of chest wall mechanics on respiratory system is assessed ...
Quantifying turgor loss point and leaf water potential across contrasting Eucalyptus clones and sites within the TECHS research platform
Understanding the mechanisms governing drought tolerance in highly productive clonal Eucalyptus plantations in Brazil will become increasingly important with climate change driven increases in temperature and drought events. ...