Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 88
Seed longevity and fire: post-germination responses of Rumex acetosella L. in northwest Patagonian grasslands (Argentina)
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2014-05)
The cosmopolitan herb Rumex acetosella forms persistent soil seed banks and increases in cover after fire. We investigated how the interaction between seed age and fire affects seedling growth by exposing different-aged ...
Increased canopy seed-storage in post-fire pine invaders suggests rapid selection mediated by fire
(Elsevier Gmbh, Urban & Fischer Verlag, 2020-04)
Exotic species storing seeds in the canopy (serotinous species) can experience a clear advantage in fire-prone communities that lack native taxa with such fire-resistant traits. In addition, selection in the new environment ...
Growth and reproductive post-fire responses of two shrubs in semiarid Patagonian grasslands
(Csiro Publishing, 2015-05)
Variation in fire intensity affects the post-fire survival and growth of shrubs. We examined effects of maximum fire temperature (a proxy for fire intensity) on the survival, growth and reproductive performance of the ...
Post-fire regeneration strategies in a frequently burned Cerrado community
Aim: Fire is a natural disturbance in many ecosystems throughout the world where plant populations can persist by the resprouting of individuals and/or by recruiting from seeds. We evaluated the post-fire regeneration ...
The effect of simulated heat-shock and daily temperature fluctuations on seed germination of four species from fire-prone ecosystems
(Soc Botanica Brasil, 2016-07-01)
Seed germination in many species from fire-prone ecosystems may be triggered by heat shock and/or temperature fluctuation, and how species respond to such fire-related cues is important to understand post-fire regeneration ...
Fire effects on the soil seed bank and post-fire resilience of a semi-arid shrubland in central Argentina
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2018-02)
Soil seed bank is an important source of resilience of plant communities who suffered disturbances. We analysed the effect of an intense fire in the soil seed bank of a semi-arid shrubland of Córdoba Argentina. We asked ...
Seed Pubescence and Shape Modulate Adaptive Responses to Fire Cues
(Public Library Science, 2016)
Post-fire recruitment by seeds is regarded as an adaptive response in fire-prone ecosystems. Nevertheless, little is known about which heritable seed traits are functional to the main signals of fire (heat and smoke), thus ...
Fire as stimulant of shrub recruitment in northwestern Patagonian (Argentina) grasslands
(Springer Tokyo, 2013-06)
One strategy of plant survival during post-fire succession is to persist and regenerate by recruiting new individuals from a fire-resistant seed bank. The heat, smoke, and charcoal released during plant combustion may act ...
Fire and legume germination in a tropical savanna: ecological and historical factors
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In many flammable ecosystems, physically dormant seeds show dormancy-break patterns tied to fire, but the link between heat shock and germination in the tropical savannas of Africa and South America ...
Fire-triggered flowering is the dominant post-fire strategy in a tropical savanna
Questions: In fire-prone ecosystems, fire can enhance the flowering and fruiting of many species, a strategy assumed to be well represented in savanna. Despite this, there are surprisingly few studies assessing how prevalent ...