Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 48
Post-fire resprouting capacity of seasonally dry forest species - Two quantitative indices
(Elsevier Science, 2020-06)
Qualitative measures of resprouting capacity often fail to capture inter- and intra-species variation, whereasavailable quantitative methods can be complex and time-consuming, hindering broad-scale comparative studies. ...
Post-fire regeneration strategies in a frequently burned Cerrado community
Aim: Fire is a natural disturbance in many ecosystems throughout the world where plant populations can persist by the resprouting of individuals and/or by recruiting from seeds. We evaluated the post-fire regeneration ...
How do plants respond biochemically to fire? The role of photosynthetic pigments and secondary metabolites in the post-fire resprouting response
(MDPI AG, 2021-01)
Resprouting is one of the main regeneration strategies in woody plants that allows post-fire vegetation recovery. However, the stress produced by fires promotes the biosynthesis of compounds which could affect the post-fire ...
Changes in vegetation structure and fuel characteristics along post-fire succession promote alternative stable states and positive fire–vegetation feedbacks
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2018-03)
Aims: Structural and compositional changes along post-fire succession modify plant community proneness to burn (flammability). The dominant regeneration strategies and life forms, and their interactions along post-fire ...
What matters for vegetation regeneration in Brazilian subtropical grasslands: seeders or resprouters?
Fire is an important ecological and evolutionary factor affecting plant communities worldwide. After fire, plants can resprout or germinate and systems may differ according to their post-fire regeneration strategies. ...
Post-fire recovery occurs overwhelmingly by resprouting in the Chaco Serrano forest of Central Argentina
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2014-05)
In fire-prone landscapes, differences in post-fire regeneration by resprouting between species or sitescould be far more important in explaining vegetation physiognomy and composition than seed regeneration. Thisis the ...
Fire and herbivory shape belowground bud banks in a semi-arid African savanna
Fire and herbivory are major drivers in tropical savanna ecosystems and they selected a flora composed of species able to cope with recurrent aboveground biomass removal. Renewal of the herbaceous stratum is made possible ...
Temporal shifts in the interaction between woody resprouters and an obligate seeder tree during a post-fire succession in Patagonia
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2016-08-02)
Question: The study of temporal variation of plant–plant interactions has received little attention despite its importance in community dynamics. Successional processes triggered by disturbances such as fire may be determined ...
Your best buds are worth protecting: Variation in bud protection in a fire-prone cerrado system
Species growing in fire-prone savannas usually persist by resprouting from their buds. In this study, we evaluated how various persistence traits allow bud protection for improved survival in fire-prone ecosystems. Using ...
The diversity of post-fire regeneration strategies in the cerrado ground layer
Disentangling species strategies that confer resilience to natural disturbances is key to conserving and restoring savanna ecosystems. Fire is a recurrent disturbance in savannas, and savanna vegetation is highly adapted ...