Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 266
Inconvenient dialogues at the Jaburu Palace: the mediatisation of political scandal in the Jornal Nacional
(Centro Int Estudios Superiores Comunicacion Amer Latina-ciespal, 2021-04-01)
This essay discusses the relation between knowledge, comprehension and culture, identifies the epistemological and intersubjective roots in the notion of comprehension and stresses some of the bonds between the studies on ...
Good Night, And Good Luck: Determining The Dismissal Of Ministers Involved In Corruption Scandals In The First Government Dilma RousseffBoa Noite, E Boa Sorte: Determinantes Da Demissão De Ministros Envolvidos Em Escândalos De Corrupção No Primeiro Governo Dilma Rousseff
(Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2016)
It’s a matter of trust : corruption scandals and political discontent in pandemic times
(Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Economía, 2023?)
We study how corruption scandals lead to different forms of political discontent. We
take advantage of the fact that the largest corruption scandal during the pandemic in Peru
(the vacungate scandal) erupted during the ...
Corruption scandals and anti-corruption policies in Argentina
(SAGE Publications, 2020-02)
The 1990s witnessed the spread of anti-corruption scandals in Latin American countries as well as a decade in which international transparency standards were developed. These two processes were closely related but they ...
Sports journalism, supporters and new technologies: challenging the usual complicity between media and football institutions
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFAF - DEPARTAMENTO DE COMUNICAÇÃO SOCIALUFMG, 2017)
Escolhas Sistêmicas de Transitividade e de Léxico na Representação de Escândalos Políticos: A Construção de Realidades de Crise e de Corrupção
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2011-02-25)
The present study investigates how the magazine VEJA builds, at systemic choices of transitivity and lexicon, systems of knowledge and meaning for three political scandals, namely: mensalão, dossiê and cartões corportativos ...
A great leap forward for democracy and the rule of law? Brazil's mensalão trial
(Cambridge Univ Press, 2016-08)
The Mensalão trial was Brazil's most important political corruption trial ever and an emblematic ex post accountability success. More than 28 individuals were convicted in relation to a legislative vote-buying scheme, many ...
Resisting, demanding, negotiating and being: The role of scandals in the everyday lives of Argentinean travestis
(Jindal Global Law School, 2012)
Scandales politiques et corruption en Argentine. Dénonciation publique et dégradation moralePolitical Scandals and Corruption in Argentina: Public denunciation and moral degradationEscándalos políticos y corrupción en Argentina: Denuncia pública y degradación moral
(Académie suisse des sciences humaines et sociales, 2017-05)
Ce texte cherche à repérer la place des scandales politiques comme l’un des éléments principaux de la mise en forme du problème public de la corruption en Argentine pendant les années 1990. Dans un premier temps, nous ...
The Peruvian COVID-19 vaccine scandal and re-thinking the path to public trust.
(Taylor and Francis, 2021)
In February 2021, the Peruvian 'vaccinegate' scandal broke when the media reported that nearly 500 experimental doses of an ongoing COVID-19 trial were given to key individuals not enrolled in the trial. Indeed, vaccine ...