Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1436
The political dimension of heritage: vindicating the social value of the railway in Chile between dictatorship and democracy (1973-2012)
This article analyzes the vindication of the social value of the railroad in Chile between the political contexts of the dictatorship (1973-1990) and democracy (1990-2012). The technological, political and economic radical ...
Intangible heritage and education: limits and possibilities of educational actions in the State of Sao Paulo
(Univ Estadual Paulista-unesp, Fac Ciencias Letras Assis, 2020-01-01)
This article has as its central theme heritage education and, in this aspect, seeks to reflect on the limits and possibilities of educational actions that involve the idea of safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage ...
Indigenous peoples’ rights and cultural heritage : threats and challenges for a new model of heritage policy
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe, 2019)
Paths towards participatory governance for cultural heritage
(CRC Press. Taylor and Francis Group, 2021)
The theoretical basis, was progressively enriched with the joint work carried out with political and administrative representatives of government institutions, including also religious actors. A large shift in the City ...
Preservação do patrimônio escolar no Brasil: notas para um debate
This article comprises of a reflection on the challenges of the school heritage conservation in Brazil. First, it analyses the place for school heritage thin in a much more ample field of cultural heritage. Then, it points ...
Las revistas del exilio chileno: Araucaria de Chile y Revista de Literatura chilena en el exilio
(Taylor and Francis, 2023)
© 2024 Modesto Gayo and María Luisa Méndez.This book is a study of class formation at the top of the social hierarchies during the turbulent and changing early twenty-first century. Contrary to perceptions that privileged ...
Archaeologists, treasure hunters and collectors: heritage in the spotlight
This paper inquiries into different aspects involved in gathering archaeological materials practices in the contemporary world. Archaeological objects comprise an intricate network of interests such as social, academic, ...
Un diálogo pendiente: El patrimonio político/cultural en la sede de la presidencia de la República de Costa Rica (1980-2013)
(Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica, 2016)
The development and management of territorial heritage: The recent experience of Argentina
(Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, 2017)
«Identity, culture, heritage and territory are convergent concepts in the sense that their essential constitutive attributes make up the network of meanings that sustain the world of objects and actions […]. This convergence ...
Cultural heritage and memory. The social spin of memoryPatrimonio cultural y memoria. El giro social de la memoria
(Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Austral de Chile, 2018)