Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 56
Eruptive parameters and dynamics of the April 2015 sub-Plinian eruptions of Calbuco volcano (southern Chile)
We conducted geological and petrological analyses of the tephra fallout and pyroclastic density current (PDC) products of the 22-23 April 2015 Calbuco eruptions. The eruptive cycle consisted of two sub-Plinian phases that ...
The late Pleistocene Sacarosa tephra-fall deposit, Misti Volcano, Arequipa, Peru: its magma, eruption, and implications for past and future activity
(Springer, 2023-08-14)
Between 38.5 ka cal BP and 32.4 ka cal BP, a dacitic Volcanic Explosivity Index 5 eruption at Misti volcano emplaced the Sacarosa tephra-fall deposit. Its biotite phenocrysts, fine grain size, scarce lithics, and abundant ...
New insights into eruption source parameters of the 1600 CE Huaynaputina Plinian eruption, Peru
(Springer Berlin HeidelbergDE, 2020-01)
In the Central Andes, large Plinian eruptions (Volcanic Explosivity Index ≥ 5) occur at a relatively high frequency, i.e. average one every 2000 to 4000 years over the past 50,000 years in Peru. Such recurring explosive ...
Stratigraphical and sedimentological study of the plinian tephra-fall deposit of the CE 1600 Huaynaputina eruption
(Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e VulcanologiaITA, 2018)
Huaynaputina volcano in southern Peru produced a large eruption (VEI 6) in CE 1600. Since 2016 the ‘HUAYRURO’ research project pursues three objectives: 1) tephrostratigraphy and physical characteristics of the Plinian ...
Reconstruction of the AD 1600 Huaynaputina eruption based on the correlation of geologic evidence with early Spanish chronicles
(Elsevier, 2002-06)
The largest historical eruption (VEI 6) in the Andes began on February 19 and continued until March 6 or 15, AD 1600 at Huaynaputina, a dacitic stratovolcano located on a high volcanic plateau in south Peru. Tephra falls, ...
Insight into the CE 1600 Huaynaputina Plinian tephra, combining the re-analysis of observational datasets with recent methods for tephra dispersal modelling
(Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e VulcanologiaITA, 2018)
In the Central Andes, large Plinian eruptions (VEI ≥ 6) occur at a relatively high frequency: one every 2000 to 4000 years over the past 50,000 years in southern Peru. This recurring, explosive activity poses a challenge ...