Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3272
Species functional redundancy, random extinctions and the stability of ecosystems
(Wiley-blackwellMaldenEUA, 2001)
Meaningful traits for grouping plant species across arid ecosystems
(Springer Tokyo, 2016-05)
Grouping species may provide some degree of simplification to understand the ecological function of plants on key ecosystem processes. We asked whether groups of plant species based on morpho-chemical traits associated ...
Do litter manipulations affect leaf functional traits of savanna woody plants?
(Springer, 2014-01-01)
Plant litter is the layer composed of dead plant material that covers soil surfaces in terrestrial ecosystems. It is an important pool of essential nutrients for soil and plants, serving also as a protective layer on the ...
Plant functional types in Brazilian savannas: The niche partitioning between herbaceous and woody species
(Elsevier Gmbh, Urban & Fischer VerlagJenaAlemanha, 2011)
Feral horses and alien plants: effects on the structure and function of the Pampean Mountain grasslands (Argentina)
(Taylor & Francis, 2017-11-28)
Disturbances can affect the biotic resistance of plant communities and alterations could takeplace in the system, such as the appearance or increase in abundance of new components. Tocharacterize the resistance to disturbance ...
Pollination Syndromes: A Global Pattern of Convergent Evolution Driven by the Most Effective Pollinator
(Springer, 2015)
Convergent evolution of floral traits driven by pollinators has resulted in fl oral syndromes shared among different plant lineages. However, the flowers of many plant species are often visited by different pollinator groups, ...
A handbook for the standardised sampling of plant functional traits in disturbance-prone ecosystems, with a focus on open ecosystems
Plant functional traits provide a valuable tool to improve our understanding of ecological processes at a range of scales. Previous handbooks on plant functional traits have highlighted the importance of standardising ...
BBX proteins in green plants: Insights into their evolution, structure, feature and functional diversification
(Elsevier, 2013-08-27)
The B-box domain is conserved in a large number of proteins involved in cell growth control, differentiation and transcriptional regulation among animal and plant species. In Arabidopsis thaliana, some works have found ...