Now showing items 1-10 of 49173
Adolescents’ physical activity is associated with previous and current physical activity practice by their parentsA atividade física de adolescentes está associada à prática de atividade física anterior e atual por seus pais
Objective The purpose of this study was to determine whether parents’ current and previous physical activity practice is associated with adolescents’ physical activity. Methods The sample was composed of 1231 adolescents ...
Physical activity, physical condition and quality of life in schoolchildren
(Research Group on Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (GICAFD), 2021)
The study analyses the physical condition and quality of life on the physical activity of schoolchildren in a Peruvian educational institution, applying a non-probability and convenience sampling, to 168 first-year high ...
Factors associated with physical-activity performance by older individuals in a medium-sized city in São Paulo State, Brazil
Physical activity has been scientifically discussed as fundamental in the process of healthy ageing. Hence, this study aimed at determining the factors that influence older people to perform physical activities. The complete ...
The physical status of a selected population
Different pain responses to distinct levels of physical activity in women with patellofemoral pain
Background Physical activity levels seem to play a role in patellofemoral pain (PFP); however, few studies have been conducted to confirm this hypothesis. Objectives To determine the reported pain levels of women with and ...
Effects of physical activity on the P300 component in elderly people: a systematic review
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2017-11-01)
The effects of physical activity on brain function can be assessed through event-related potentials (P300) that reflect cortical activities related to cognitive functions. P300 latency represents the information processing ...
Physical Fitness, Physical Activity and Quality of Life in Chilean College StudentsCondición Física, Actividad Física y Calidad de Vida en Estudiantes Universitarios Chilenos
(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2024)
Online physically active academic lessons in COVID-19 times: A pilot study
Schools play an important role in promoting physical activity among students. This paper studies the perception of educators, students, and parents about the use of online physically active academic lessons during COVID-19 ...
Older people's perspectives on participation in physical activity: a systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative literature
(BMJ Publishing Group, 2015)
Physical inactivity accounts for 9% of all deaths worldwide and is among the top 10 risk factors for global disease burden. Nearly half of people aged over 60 years are inactive. Efforts to identify which factors influence ...
Physical activity and disability measures in chronic non-specific low back pain: a study of responsiveness
Objectives: To compare the responsiveness of disability measures with physical activity measures in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP) undergoing a course of physical therapy treatment. Design: This is a prospective ...