Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 109
Mapeamento da profundidade da superfície freática do setor central da malha urbana de Uberlândia-MGMapping the depth of the water table in the central sector of the urban network of Uberlândia-MG
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPrograma de Pós-graduação em Geografia, 2020)
Eruptive activity of Peteroa Volcano for period 2010-2011, Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile
Planchon-Peteroa volcano started a renewed eruptive period between January 2010 and July 2011. This eruptive period was characterized by the occurrence of 4 explosive eruptive phases, dominated by low-intensity phreatic ...
Geometric morphometrics throws light on evolution of the subterranean catfish Rhamdiopsis krugi (Teleostei: Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) in eastern Brazil
(The Linnean Society of LondonWest Sussex, 2014-10-20)
Rhamdiopsis krugi is a highly specialized troglobitic (exclusively subterranean) catfish from phreatic water bodies
of caves located within two separated metasedimentary basins in the region of Chapada Diamantina, Bahia ...
Estudo geofísico de vazamento de combustíveis em posto de abastecimento
The geoelectrical methods have been widely used in research involving the evaluation and monitoring of areas with environmental risk. This paper presents the results of applying the Electrical Resistivity method by electrical ...
Aplicação da eletrorresistividade na caracterização do meio hidrogeológico na cidade de JI-paraná (RO)
The Ji-Paraná city (RO) it doesn't possess public system of collection and treatment of sewers, being the waters residuárias produced by the local population thrown at sewages. Traditionally, many inhabitants use wells ...
Aplicação da eletrorresistividade na caracterização do meio hidrogeológico na cidade de JI-paraná (RO)
The Ji-Paraná city (RO) it doesn't possess public system of collection and treatment of sewers, being the waters residuárias produced by the local population thrown at sewages. Traditionally, many inhabitants use wells ...
Estudo geofísico de vazamento de combustíveis em posto de abastecimento
The geoelectrical methods have been widely used in research involving the evaluation and monitoring of areas with environmental risk. This paper presents the results of applying the Electrical Resistivity method by electrical ...
Hydrogeology and hidrogeochemical modeling in phreatic aquifer of NE Mendoza, Argentina
(Servicio Publicaciones, 2014-10)
The objectives of this study are to develop a conceptual hydrogeological model and evaluate groundwater hydrochemical characteristics of the aquifer in the Guanacache Travesía, in the central Monte desert of Mendoza ...