Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3158
A Study on Persuasive Technologies: The Relationship between User Emotions, Trust and Persuasion
A successful persuasive technology is able to persuade people to change from one state to a more well known state. Therefore, to allow for a change, persuasive technology must be able to affect users’ emotion and make the ...
The teacher as persuader: On the application of Wittgenstein’s notion of ‘persuasion’ in educational practice
Wittgenstein’s conception of ‘persuasion’, understood as the persuader’s attempt to modify the persuadee’s certainties, has been recently misinterpreted by some scholars. For Persichetti has overlooked the fact that one ...
Phishing video game to validate the principles of persuasion in university students
(Association for Information Systems, 2021)
Phishing is a social engineering procedure in which a malicious actor impersonates a trusted third party with the intention of tricking the user into disclosing confidential information. Research on social engineering has ...
Comunicación Política: Narración de historias, construcción de relatos políticos y persuasiónPolitical Communication: Storytelling, Political Narratives and Persuasion
(Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, 2016-07)
En este trabajo se definen los elementos que caracterizan a la narración de historias como una técnica y al relato político como una estrategia, ambas al servicio de la comunicación política. Se discuten las funciones que ...
The effect of self-affirmation in nonthreatening persuasion domains: Timing affects the process
(Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc., 2008)
Language effects on source credibility and persuasion among bilingual consumersEfectos del lenguaje en credibilidad y persuasión de la fuente de información entre consumidores bilingües
(Centro de Investigaciones Comerciales e Iniciativas Académicas, 2021)
Measuring The Effect Of Persuasion Of Product Placement In The CinemaMidiendo el efecto de la persuasión de la colocación del producto en el cine
Retórica, vida, persuasión
(Universidad de Antioquia, Instituto de FilosofíaMedellín, Colombia, 2019)
Argumentación y demostración
(Universidad de La Salle. Ediciones Unisalle, 5 de)
Effect of a persuasive message and normative arguments, on advertising attitudes and purchase intention in ecological cosmetics
This research explores the effect of different persuasive messages on advertising attitudes and purchase intent in organic cosmetics through a factorial experiment in Colombia with 225 subjects. The results indicate that ...