Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2416
Peer effects vs. parental influence in the development of capabilities in adolescence
(Universidad de Montevideo, Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales y Economía, Departamento de Economía, 2016)
The past decade has witnessed the surge of a large body of research analyzing critical periods for investment in children’s skills. Most of this literature has underscored the importance of parental investments and of ...
Social interactions in health behaviors and conditions
(Universidad de Montevideo, Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales y Economía, Departamento de Economía, 2018)
We review the economic literature of the past 20 years on peer effects in health behaviors and conditions. We find consistent evidence of peer effects across a wide range of behaviors and outcomes (alcohol, body weight, ...
Peer and parental influence in the development of cognitive skills and predispostion to risky behaviour
(Universidad de Montevideo, Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales y Economía, Departamento de Economía, 2017)
This paper analyzes the strategic interactions between peers and parents in the development of adolescent’s cognitive skills and non-cognitive skills, as proxied by the predisposition to use substances. We estimate a ...
Are all lenders equal? a comparison between peer-to-peer lending and traditional banks concerning small business loans
Research on geographical expansion of peer-to-peer lending platforms has different conclusions concerning whether peer-to-peer lending platforms and traditional banks are substitutes or complements. This study aims at ...
What is popular? Distinguishing bullying and aggression as status correlates within specific peer normative contexts
This study tested social status correlates of aggression and bullying and how these are influenced by peer groups’ normative beliefs about aggression and prosocial behavior among 1165 fourth, fifth ...
Group Pressure – A Reality
(Daily Express, 2006-06)
This article discusses the effects of peer group pressure on student behaviour, and provides some strategies that students might adopt to resist the influence of such pressure
Consumo, actitudes hacia el endeudamiento, materialismo e influencia de pares en adolescentes rurales del sur de ChileConsumption, attitudes to the debt, materialism, and peer influence in rural teenagers from southern Chile
(Centro Interamericano de Investigaciones Psicológicas y Ciencias Afines (CIIPCA), 2019)
Agent-Based Modeling of Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading in a Smart Grid Environment
The energy system is undergoing a drastic transition towards a system where previously passive consumers will play important roles. These consumers who actively participate in the energy system with a variety of distributed ...
Juvenile Criminal Behavior and Peers’ Influences: A Comparative Study in the Brazilian Context
This study investigates aspects of living with peers in adolescent offenders in the Brazilian context based on the social and personal control behavior theory developed by Marc Le Blanc and his colleagues. Both comparative ...
Remote but Influential : Peer Effects and Reflection in Online Higher Education Classrooms
(Center for Education Policy Analysis, 2014)
eer effects influence productivity in many settings. We examine the case of online learning where all peer effects occur virtually and asynchronously. Using data from one of the largest online universities in the United ...