Now showing items 1-10 of 3276
Parents and teachers opinion about learning skills: Comparison between brazilian and italian dyslexic’s students
The aim of this chapter is to describe and compare the response of parents and teachers of Brazilian and Italian Dyslexic’s students about learning skills. A total of 36 students with dyslexia were assessed by the Learning ...
Predictive Power of Parenting Styles on Children's Social Skills: A Brazilian Sample
(Sage Publications Inc, 2016-04-01)
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between parenting styles and children's social skills, establishing significant correlations between those two constructs. A total of 202 children, 7 to 10 years ...
On My Own: Acquiring Technical Digital Skills for Mobile Phone Use in Chile. Parents-children Perceptions
Despite its relevance, the difficulty in reaching consensus on the definition of digital competence slows down its implementation. The need of prior development of specific skills to advance in digital development has been ...
Behavioral problems and their relationship to maternal depression, marital relationships, social skills and parenting
(Springer, 2020-09-25)
Behavioral problems have been associated with multiple variables; however, studies simultaneously investigating parenting practices, marital relationships in bi-parental families, maternal depression, and child behavior ...
Peer and parental influence in the development of cognitive skills and predispostion to risky behaviour
(Universidad de Montevideo, Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales y Economía, Departamento de Economía, 2017)
This paper analyzes the strategic interactions between peers and parents in the development of adolescent’s cognitive skills and non-cognitive skills, as proxied by the predisposition to use substances. We estimate a ...
A Qualidade da Interação Positiva e da Consistência Parental na sua Relação com Problemas de Comportamentos de Pré-Escolares
Studies have shown a relationship to exist between behavior problems in children and quality of parental practices such as communication, expressivity, consistency, and monitoring. This study aimed at describing relationships ...
A Qualidade da Interação Positiva e da Consistência Parental na sua Relação com Problemas de Comportamentos de Pré-Escolares
Studies have shown a relationship to exist between behavior problems in children and quality of parental practices such as communication, expressivity, consistency, and monitoring. This study aimed at describing relationships ...
Construction of the Parenting Skills Scale, in both ParentsConstrucción de una escala de habilidades parentales en madres y padres
(Consorcio de Universidades Mexicanas A.C., 2014)
Efeitos do programa Promove-Pais, uma terapia comportamental aplicada a cuidadoras de adolescentes com problemas de comportamento
Parental educational practice literature argues that how parents interact with their children can be both a risk factor or a protective factor in child behavioral problems. Parent/caregivers programs are usually carried ...
Implicaciones de la sobre exigencia parental en la formación de los hijos/as
(Universidad Católica de Pereira, 2018-07-07)
Este artículo muestra el resultado de una reflexión sobre las implicaciones de un exceso de demandas y exigencias en la infancia y su incidencia en la formación de los hijos/as; también pone en cuestión la forma en la que ...