Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1384
MarkeTOR: Un mercado en la red TOR
Cuando las personas oyen hablar de la Deep Web, Dark Web, la red TOR o la red I2P, se
piensa automáticamente en que tienen contenido ‘perturbador’, donde existen mercados
donde se negocia con contenidos oscuros e ilegales ...
On the emergence of atypical Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor & cholera epidemic
(Medknow Publications, 2020)
Assist??ncia fisioterap??utica no p??s operat??rio de paciente portador de truncus arteriosus - relato de caso
(Instituto de Ci??ncias da Sa??de/ Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2013-12)
Critical analysis of graft loss and death in kidney transplant recipients treated with mTOR inhibitors
(Sociedade Brasileira de Nefrologia, 2017-03-01)
Abstract Registry studies and systematic reviews have shown higher risk for mortality and graft loss in patients in use of mTOR inhibitors (mTORi) compared to calcineurin-based (CNI) immunosuppressive regimens. The majority ...
Drosophila p53-related protein kinase is required for PI3K/TOR pathway-dependent growth
Cell growth and proliferation are pivotal for final organ and body size definition. p53-related protein kinase (Bud32/PRPK) has been identified as a protein involved in proliferation through its effects on transcription ...
O significado da dor tor??cica para aqueles que a vivenciaram
(P??s-gradua????o de Enfermagem - PGENFP??s-gradua????o em EnfermagemUFBAbrasil, 2018-05-15)
Identification, analysis, and manipulation of the Torrubiellone A gene cluster
Torrubiellones A-D, extracted from Torrubiella sp. BCC2165, are structurally similar to 2- pyridone compounds. Torrubiellone A is particularly interesting because it has antimalarial activity. Combining knowledge of the ...
p-mTOR, p-4EBP-1 and eIF4E expression in canine prostatic carcinoma
The mTOR/4E-BP1/eIF4E pathway plays important roles in the neoplastic transformation process and in tumour growth. In men, the mTOR/4E-BP1/eIF4E pathway was described as altered in different tumours, including prostate ...
Leptin and mTOR: Partners in metabolism and inflammation
(Taylor & Francis, 2019)