Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 74
Increasing absorption bistability in coupled band quantum wells
Increasing absorption bistability is studied under realistic conditions with a many-body approach for nonlinear optical absorption in semiconductor quantum wells, combining Coulomb and band structure engineering effects. ...
Optical bistability in nonlinear waveguides with photonic crystals
(John Wiley & Sons IncHobokenEUA, 2004)
All-optical stochastic logic gate based on a VCSEL with tunable optical injection
(IEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc, 2013-10)
We study the dynamics of a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) with continuous-wave (cw) orthogonal optical injection from a tunable laser. We use the dynamical properties of polarization bistability and the ...
Rodlike localized structure in isotropic pattern-forming systems
(American Physical Society, 2015)
Stationary two-dimensional localized structures have been observed in a wide variety of dissipative systems. The existence, stability properties, dynamical evolution, and bifurcation diagram of an azimuthal symmetry breaking, ...
Polarization switching and hysteresis in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers subject to orthogonal optical injection
(Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers, 2014)
We study polarization switching and hysteresis in a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) subject to an orthogonal optical injection, such that the polarization of the injected light is perpendicular to that of ...
Resposta óptica de sistemas atômicos no espaço livre ou aprisionados dentro de cavidades ópticas no regime de armadilhamento coerente de populações
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Física - PPGFCâmpus São Carlos, 2018-02-28)
The aim of this work is to study the electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) and
the coherent population trapping (CPT) phenomena in three-level systems, such as atoms
and quantum dot molecules (QDM). The present ...
Pattern-based optical memory with low power switching in rubidium vapor
(Optics Communications, 2013)