Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 59
Efecto tóxico del DDT, clordano y agua de la presa Ignacio Ramírez (México), sobre Daphnia magna (Crustacea: Daphnidae)
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 1999)
Antitrypanosomal Activity of Sterol 14α-Demethylase (CYP51) Inhibitors VNI and VFV in the Swiss Mouse Models of Chagas Disease Induced by the Trypanosoma cruzi Y Strain
(American Society for Microbiology, 2017)
Antitrypanosomal Activity of Sterol 14α-Demethylase (CYP51) Inhibitors VNI and VFV in the Swiss Mouse Models of Chagas Disease Induced by the Trypanosoma cruzi Y Strain
(American Society for Microbiology, 2017)
Sensibilidade de populações de Mycosphaerella fijienses e M. Musicola a triazóis em bananais de regiões produtoras no Estado de São Paulo
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2022-07-27)
As sigatokas negra (Mycosphaerella fijiensis, Mf) e amarela (M. musicola, Mm) são as
doenças foliares mais destrutivas da bananeira no Brasil. Os fungos produzem grande
quantidade de esporos sexuados e assexuados, com ...
Study on the inhibitory effect of furafylline and troleandomycin in the7-methoxyresorufin-O-demethylase and nifedipine oxidase activitiesin hepatic microsomes from four poultry species usinghigh-performance liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescenceand ultraviolet detection
tThe present study reports the in vitro studies with furafylline and troleandomycin (TAO) as specificinhibitors of activities 7-methoxyresorufin-O-demethylase (MROD) and nifedipine oxidase, catalyzed bycytochrome P450 1 ...