Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 66
Analysis of the Dielectric Behavior of Distribution Insulators Under Non-Standard Lightning Impulses Voltages
Overhead distribution lines are often exposed to lightning overvoltages, whose waveforms vary widely and can differ substantially from the standard impulse voltage waveform (1,2 - 50). Different models have been proposed ...
Uma abordagem para atestar a suportabilidade dielétrica a formas de onda não padronizadas nos ensaios de equipamentos de alta tensão
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilEngenharia ElétricaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia ElétricaCentro de Tecnologia, 2021-08-31)
The non-standard waveforms caused by high frequency transients pose a challenge when it comes to their representation in testing high-voltage equipment. Such a challenge is worrisome for electric power utilities and ...
An AC voltage regulator with high-power-factor, and control using a FPGA device
This paper presents the analysis, design, simulation, and experimental results for a high frequency high Power-Factor (PF) AC (Alternate Current) voltage regulator, using a Sepic converter as power stage. The control ...
An AC voltage regulator with high-power-factor, and control using a FPGA device
This paper presents the analysis, design, simulation, and experimental results for a high frequency high Power-Factor (PF) AC (Alternate Current) voltage regulator, using a Sepic converter as power stage. The control ...
Avaliação da suportabilidade de estruturas monofásicas de redes de distribuição aéreas compactas frente a impulsos atmosféricos normalizados
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2015-10-05)
This work is dedicated to investigate the impulse withstand voltage of single-phase compact distribution line structures when subjected to standard lightning impulse waveforms with positive and negative polarities. It is ...
Modelos para definição de ondas de corrente e tensão representativas das solicitações de sistemas de distribuição por descargas atmosféricas
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2006-08-07)
The perception that distribution system components could be subjected to voltage and current waveforms not specified by currently adopted standards has motivated studies dedicated to investigate the interaction of lightning ...
Practical comparisons among electronic energy meters, a precision energy meter and IEEE1459 for reactive energy measurements, under unbalanced and non-sinusoidal conditions
This paper presents a practical experimentation for comparing reactive/non-active energy measures, considering three-phase four-wire non-sinusoidal and unbalanced circuits, involving five different commercial electronic ...
Influência da corrente de descarga atmosférica e dos modelos para caracterização da suportabilidade de isoladores no fenômeno de backflashoverInfluence of the return-stroke current and the models for characterization of the insulation strength on the backflashover phenomenon
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPrograma de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, 2018)