Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 881
Phase portraits of reversible linear differential systems with cubic homogeneous polynomial nonlinearities having a non-degenerate center at the origin
In this paper we classify the global phase portraits of all reversible linear differential systems with cubic homogeneous polynomial nonlinearities defined in the plane and having a non degenerate center at the origin. The ...
On groups with cubic polynomial conditions
Let F<inf>d</inf> be the free group of rank d, freely generated by {y1,. . .,yd}, and let DFd be the group ring over an integral domain D. Given a subset E<inf>d</inf> of F<inf>d</inf> containing the generating set, assign ...
Puiseux series polynomial dynamics and iteration of complex cubic polynomials
We let L be the completion of the field of formal Puiseux series and study polynomials with coefficients in L as dynamical systems. We give a complete description of the dynamical and parameter space of cubic polynomials ...
Cox rings of cubic surfaces and fano threefolds
We determine the Cox rings of the minimal resolutions of cubic surfaces with at most rational double points, of blow-ups of the projective plane at non-general configurations of six points and of three dimensional smooth ...
Non-linear regulation of cardiac autonomic modulation in obese youths: Interpolation of ultra-short time series
Background: In this study, we applied ultra-short time series of interbeat intervals (RR-intervals) to evaluate heart rate variability through default chaotic global techniques with the purpose of discriminating obese ...
Influence of temperature on optimum viscoelastic absorbers in cubic nonlinear systems
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2014-11)
Recently, viscoelastic materials have been widely used for vibration control due to their efficacy and flexibility in real engineering problems. Their use as constitutive parts of dynamic vibration absorbers requires the ...
Non-recursive chadi-cohen integration over the brillouin zone of cubic crystals
Mobility of solitons in one-dimensional lattices with the cubic-quintic nonlinearity
(American Physical Society, 2013)
We investigate mobility regimes for localized modes in the discrete nonlinear Schr¨odinger (DNLS) equation
with the cubic-quintic on-site terms. Using the variational approximation, the largest soliton’s total power
admitting ...