Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 335
Selection matrix for Brazilian bee species to risk assessment of pesticides
(Julius Kuhn-inst, 2018-01-01)
Many countries are using honeybee (Apis mellifera) as a surrogate to evaluate the risk of pesticides to all bee species. However, there is uncertainty regarding the extent honey bees can be used as surrogates for non-Apis ...
Bioinsecticide action of the venom of Africanized bees Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758 (Hymenoptera: Apidae): I - The most susceptible age of Diatraea saccharalis Fabricius 1794 (Lepeletier: Pyralidae) eggs to the venom action
The present paper aimed at testing the action of non-lyophilized venom of Africanized bees Apis mellifera through topical applications on Diatraea saccharalis egg masses. The CL50, DL50 and the most susceptible age of eggs ...
Bioinsecticide action of the venom of Africanized bees Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758 (Hymenoptera: Apidae): I - The most susceptible age of Diatraea saccharalis Fabricius 1794 (Lepeletier: Pyralidae) eggs to the venom action
The present paper aimed at testing the action of non-lyophilized venom of Africanized bees Apis mellifera through topical applications on Diatraea saccharalis egg masses. The CL50, DL50 and the most susceptible age of eggs ...
Is the number of antennal plate organs (sensilla placodea) greater in hygienic than in non-hygienic Africanized honey bees?
Hygienic behavior is a desirable trait in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.), as hygienic bees quickly remove diseased brood, intermpting the infectious cycle. Hygienic lines of honey bees appear to be more sensitive to the ...
Is the number of antennal plate organs (sensilla placodea) greater in hygienic than in non-hygienic Africanized honey bees?
Hygienic behavior is a desirable trait in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.), as hygienic bees quickly remove diseased brood, intermpting the infectious cycle. Hygienic lines of honey bees appear to be more sensitive to the ...
Pesticide Exposure Assessment Paradigm for Stingless Bees
Although the importance of bees as the pollinators responsible for maintaining gene flow for many native and cultivated plants in ecosystems around the world is recognized, much of their biodiversity and behavior remains ...
Hygienic behavior of africanized honey bees Apis mellifera directed towards brood in old and new combs during diurnal and nocturnal periods
(Basel, 2013)
Hygienic behavior in honey bees, Apis mellifera, is measured by determining the rate at which the bees uncap and remove dead sealed brood. We analyzed individual behavior of house-cleaning Africanized honey bees in order ...
Sequential hygienic behavior in Carniolan honey bees (Apis mellifera carnica)
We examined the sequence, order or steps of hygienic behavior (HB) from pin-killed pupae until the removal of them by the bees. We conducted our study with four colonies of Apis mellifera carnica in Germany and made four ...