Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 690
Displacement thickness evaluation for semi-empirical airfoil trailing-edge noise prediction model
(Springer, 2016-02-01)
This study proposes a criterion for evaluating the turbulent boundary layer displacement thickness when predicting airfoil trailing-edge noise with semi-empirical methods. The boundary layer integral parameter is usually ...
Noise estimation using road and urban features
(MDPI AG, 2020-11-01)
Noise pollution must be considered to achieve sustainable cities because current levels of exposure to environmental noise are a considerable risk to the health and quality of life of citizens. Urban features and sound ...
Comparison of predictive models of road traffic noise, through measurements in the city of OsornoEstudio comparativo para modelos predictivos del ruido de tráfico rodado, a través de mediciones in situ en un sector de la ciudad de Osorno
(Facultad de Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Univesidad Austral de Chile., 2017)
A method of assessing measures to reduce road traffic noise: A case study in Santiago, Chile
(Elsevier, 2013)
Road traffic noise is one of the major environmental issues affecting city dwellers’ human health and well
being in an urban environment. This study develops a method to assess measures to reduce traffic noise
by modeling ...
Urban characteristics and traffic noise in Loja (Ecuador)
(Institute of Noise Control Engineering, 2017)
Comparison of mathematical methods and measurements of traffic noise indices in pedestrian routes
(ANTAC - Associação Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Construído, 2019)
Effects of singular noisy events on long-term environmental noise measurements
(HARD Publishing Company, 2014)
Predictive controller evaluation including non-stationary high frequency noise and outliers for batch solid substrate fermentation bioreactors
(Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2008)
Aprendizado de máquina para desenvolvimento de modelo semi-empírico de predição de ruído de motor aeronáutico
(Joinville, SC, 2021-09-10)
O aumento do tráfego aéreo eleva o nível de ruído existente no entornos dos aeroportos,
impactando a qualidade de vida da população que habita tais espaços. Nesse contexto,
a predição de ruído é uma importante ferramenta ...
Study of the noise variability recorded by monitoring stations in Chilean cities
(Korean Society of Noise and Vibration Engineering, 2020-08-23)
Dynamic noise mapping research has received increasing attention. Progress on low-cost noise monitoring systems and efficient calculation models have recently made this technique feasible. The development of these dynamic ...