Now showing items 1-10 of 69
Nitroxyl (azanone) trapping by metalloporphyrins
(Elsevier Science Sa, 2011-12)
The present review starts describing nitroxyl (azanone, 1HNO) biological relevance, in relation with NO physiology, from a chemical reactivity perspective. After a description of commonly used azanone donors and their ...
QM-MM investigation of the reaction products between nitroxyl and O2 in aqueous solution
(Elsevier Science, 2008-09)
By means of combined quantum-classical molecular (QM/MM) dynamics simulations, we investigated the structural properties and the vibrational spectra in aqueous solution of four possible intermediate species of the oxidation ...
Tracking nitroxyl-derived posttranslational modifications of phospholamban in cardiac myocytes
(Rockefeller University Press, 2019-04-22)
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Calcium (Ca2+) mishandling is one of the most striking abnormalities in this wide spectrum of pathologies, among which heart failure (HF) ...
Water-Soluble Nitroxyl Porphyrin Complexes FeIITPPSHNO and FeIITPPSNO- Obtained from Isolated FeIITPPSNO·
(American Chemical Society, 2019-10)
The first biomimetic water soluble FeII-porphyrin nitroxyl complexes were obtained and characterized by UV-Vis in protonated and deprotonated forms by reduction of previously isolated and characterized FeIITPPSNO?. The pKa ...
The nitroxyl donor, Angeli’s salt, inhibits inflammatory hyperalgesia in rats
(Bruno Frenguelli, 2016)
Coordinated nitroxyl anion is produced and released as nitrous oxide by the decomposition of iridium-coordinated nitrosothiols
(Elsevier Science SaLausanneSuíça, 2011)
The HNO donor ability of hydroxamic acids upon oxidation with cyanoferrates(III)
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2015-09)
The hydroxamic acids (RC(O)NHOH, HA) exhibit diverse biological activity, including hypotensive properties associated with formation of nitroxyl (HNO) or nitric oxide (NO). Oxidation of two HAs, benzohydroxamic and ...
New perspectives on the reactions of metal nitrosyls with thiolates as nucleophiles
The susceptibility of the nitrosonium ligand (NO+) of metal nitrosyls to nucleophilic attack has been reviewed. The reactions of nitroprusside with thiolate (RS-) nucleophiles (H2S, cysteine, glutathione, N-acetylcysteine ...
Theoretical investigation of the mechanism of nitroxyl decomposition in aqueous solution
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2016-09)
Nitroxyl (HNO) is a species that has been proposed recently to play different roles in nitrosative stress processes. HNO decomposition in aqueous solution leading to N2O is a fast reaction that competes with many biochemical ...