Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 132
Comments about some species abundance patterns: classic, neutral, and niche partitioning models
(Int Inst Ecology, 2008-11-01)
The literature on species abundance models is extensive and a great deal of new and important contributions have been published in the last three decades. Broadly speaking, one can recognize five families of species abundance ...
Comments about some species abundance patterns: classic, neutral, and niche partitioning models
(Int Inst Ecology, 2008-11-01)
The literature on species abundance models is extensive and a great deal of new and important contributions have been published in the last three decades. Broadly speaking, one can recognize five families of species abundance ...
Comments about some species abundance patterns: classic, neutral, and niche partitioning models
(Int Inst Ecology, 2013)
Competition and resource breadth shape niche variation and overlap in multiple trophic dimensions
Competition plays a central role in the maintenance of biodiversity. A backbone of classic niche theory is that local coexistence of competitors is favoured by the contraction or divergence of species' niches. However, ...
The importance of biotic interactions in species distribution models: a test of the Eltonian noise hypothesis using parrots
(Wiley-blackwellHobokenEUA, 2014)
Do penguins share? Evidence of foraging niche segregation between but not within two sympatric, central-place foragers
(Inter-Research, 2016-04)
Niche theory predicts that sympatric species should differentiate ecologically in order to co-exist and conspecifics will also differentiate to reduce intra-specific competition. As central-place foragers, colonial breeding ...
Isotopic niche partitioning between two small cetacean species
(Inter-Research, 2021-02)
Commerson’s dolphin Cephalorhynchus commersonii and Peale’s dolphin Lageno - rhynchus australis live in sympatry along the southwestern South Atlantic Ocean, suggesting the existence of some degree of habitat partitioning ...
The coexistence of species La coexistencia de especies
(Sociedad de Biología de Chile, 2000)
Ecological singularity of temperate mesopredatory myliobatoid rays (Chondrichthyes: Myliobatiformes)
(Csiro Publishing, 2016-06)
Many myliobatoid rays are important mesopredators, having significant effects on coastal benthic communities. In tropical and subtropical high-diversity oligotrophic ecosystems, they partition their trophic resources, which ...
Dominance hierarchy on palm resource partitioning among Neotropical frugivorous mammals
In tropical forests, the diets of many frugivorous mammals overlap, yet how hyper-diverse assemblages of consumers exploit resources and coexist remains poorly understood. We evaluated competitive interactions among three ...