Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 30436
Literacy Coaching Roles in Diverse Contexts of Teaching and Learning: New Ways of Working
(Edith Cowan University, 2013)
As the demands placed on the literacy coach have evolved, so too have the roles of these educational providers who are often responsible for working with school teams to turn around student performance on standardized ...
Literacy Coaching Roles in Diverse Contexts of Teaching and Learning: New Ways of Working
(Edith Cowan University, 2013)
As the demands placed on the literacy coach have evolved, so too have the roles of these educational providers who are often responsible for working with school teams to turn around student performance on standardized ...
Las nuevas formas de trabajo y sus efectos psicosociales en los trabajadores del siglo XXI.
(Universidad Católica de Pereira, 2014-07-14)
El siguiente artículo pretende abordar algunas de las nuevas formas de trabajo, tercerización, teletrabajo, es decir las nuevas modalidades de no empleo como un efecto de cambio frente a las concepciones que se tenía en ...
Identidades puestas en juego en los procesos de recuperación de empresas: un estudio de caso
(Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2012)
Economia Popular Solidária: Os Processos Formativos Populares e a Construção de uma Nova Cultura do Trabalho
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2007-11-23)
This study aims to analyze human education in the process of work and the implications of education practices associated to the self-management productive process in the solidary popular economy, seeking to understand the ...
Interdisciplinary teams: New ways of delivering health services, new opportunities for Social WorkEquipos interdisciplinarios: Nuevas formas de prestar servicios de salud, nuevas oportunidades para el Trabajo Social
(Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Escuela de Trabajo Social, 2020)
Global Commodity Chains and the New Imperialism
(Universidad La Salle México, Facultad de Negocios, 2019-11)
Jus Semper’s core work has been from inception assessing the enormous disparities in hourly manufacturing labour costs, for equivalent work, between the metropolises and the emerging economies in the periphery of the global ...
The Global Cosmopolitan Mindset
- At the heart of globalization are people rather than products or corporations. Globalization is changing how people behave, how they relate to each other, what the dream of and how they live and work. Linda Brimm is the ...