Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 6785
Invasive non-native plants have a greater effect on neighbouring natives than other non-natives
(Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, 2016-09-12)
Human activity is creating a global footprint by changing the climate, altering habitats and reshuffling the distribution of species. The movement of species around the globe has led to the naturalization and accumulation ...
Native and non-native ruderals experience similar plant: soil feedbacks and neighbor effects in a system where they coexist
(Springer Heidelberg, 2015-07)
Recent applications of coexistence theory to plant invasions posit that non-natives establish in resident communities through either niche differences or traits conferring them with fitness advantages, the former being ...
Belowground invasions: Effects of non-native ectomycorrhizal communities on non-native and native tree species
Increasing evidence shows that belowground interactions are key in determining
invasive plants success or failure. However, less is known about the changes that
plant invasion produce in local soil biota and how non-native ...
Non-redundancy in seed dispersal and germination by native and introduced frugivorous birds: implications of invasive bird impact on native plant communities
(Springer, 2018-12)
Seed dispersal by vertebrate animals is important for the establishment of many fleshy-fruited plant species. Different frugivorous species can provide different seed dispersal services according to their specific dietary ...
Large herbivore grazing and non-native plant invasions in montane grasslands of central Argentina
(Natural Areas Assoc, 2010-04)
Grazing by large herbivores has the potential to facilitate invasion of natural grasslands by non-native plant species. It is expected that both herbivore identity and plant community type modulate the effect. The objective ...
Assessing the effects of native plants on the pollination of an exotic herb, the blueweed Echium vulgare (Boraginaceae)
The impacts of exotic plants on the pollination and reproductive success of natives have been widely reported; however, in spite of its importance for the invasive process, the role of native plants in the pollination and ...
Native and Non-Native Supergeneralist Bee Species Have Different Effects on Plant-Bee Networks
(Public Library of Science, 2015)
Occurrence of non-native species and their potential impact on plant communities in protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon region
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2020)
Native plants in experimental urban green roofs sustain more diverse communities of hemiptera than exotics
(Entomology Society of America, 2020)
Green roofs could promote insect biodiversity conservation in cities, but the effects of roof vegetation origin on insect communities are still poorly understood. We experimentally evaluated the effect of native and exotic ...
Response of native and non-native ruderals to natural and human disturbance
(Springer, 2018-10)
The ruderal strategy is widely shared among non-native plants, providing a general explanation for the commonly observed positive effects of disturbance on invasions. How native ruderals respond to disturbance and how their ...