Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 103
Narrative bioethics or fictional narrative of bioethical issues?¿Bioética narrativa o narrativa bioética?Bioética narrativa ou narrativa Bioética?
(Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2016)
Towards the Construction of a Bioethical Management: Bio-management
In this paper, researchers explored the relationship between bioethics and administration within the framework of techno-scientific development. They made an analysis from the global bioethics through an interpretative, ...
Narrative bioethics or fictional narrative of bioethical issues?¿Bioética narrativa o narrativa bioética?Bioética narrativa ou narrativa Bioética?
(Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2016)
Bioethics in the Times of Contagious Populism
As I write this short piece, several social protests are happening in Costa Rica, where I live. The messages that protestors are sending out are very confusing, even contradictory. However, in the midst of this chaos, it’s ...
¿Bioética y religión?: Apuntes para comprender la imbricación de la bioética y lo religioso en la toma de decisiones en la Argentina contemporáneaBioethics and religion?: Notes to unverstands the interweaving of bioethics and religion in decision making in contemporary Argentina
(Asociación Argentina de Medicina Respiratoria, 2016-09)
En este artículo trabajaremos sobre la relación entre la bioética y las religiones desdeuna perspectiva sociológica. Comenzaremos realizando un recorrido por las narrativasde origen de la bioética que ubican a los actores ...
Bioethics in the Americas: north and south. A personal story
(Estados Unidos, 2008)
A prioridade de uma abordagem narrativa em questões de ética aplicada
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilFilosofiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em FilosofiaCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2016-08-12)
The present study aims to analyze the possibility of employing a narrative approach –
especially the literary – in the treatment of applied ethical issues compared to the
approaches of Normative Ethics as Utilitarian ...
Mental health and psychiatry: Distinctions, links, and ethical/bioethical perspectives
(Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz, 2023)
Introduction. Mental health and psychiatry have been terms of intense and complex use for almost a century, and they may have reached a critical level of ambiguous and imprecise synonymy that makes their definition and ...