Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 38
Ecological versatility and the assembly of multiple competitors: cautionary notes for assembly inferences
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2018-05-01)
The role of niche differences and competition is invoked when one finds coexisting species to be more dissimilar in trait composition than expected at random in community assembly studies. This approach has been questioned ...
Ecological versatility and the assembly of multiple competitors: cautionary notes for assembly inferences
The role of niche differences and competition is invoked when one finds coexisting species to be more dissimilar in trait composition than expected at random in community assembly studies. This approach has been questioned ...
Evaluating the effects of pollinator-mediated interactions using pollen transfer networks: Evidence of widespread facilitation in south Andean plant communities
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2016-05)
Information about the relative importance of competitive or facilitative pollinator-mediated interactions in a multi-species context is limited. We studied interspecific pollen transfer (IPT) networks to evaluate quantity ...
Effects of defoliation frequency and nitrogen fertilization on the production and potential for persistence of Dactylis glomerata sown in multispecies swards
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2017-09)
Management decisions should facilitate the dominance of C3 perennial grasses over annuals. This study examined the effects of defoliation frequencies and nitrogen fertilization on the productivity and potential for persistence ...
Influence of pH and ionic strength on Cd, Cu and Pb removal from water by adsorption in Na-bentonite
(Elsevier Science, 2015-12)
This article presents a study on cadmium, copper and lead removal by means of adsorption in a natural Na-bentonite. Influence of pH and ionic strength on clay fabric and its role on cation removal are analyzed by means of ...
Crop size is more important than neighborhood fruit availability for fruit removal of Eugenia uniflora (Myrtaceae) by bird seed dispersers
(Springer, 2011-05)
For a plant with bird-dispersed seeds, the effectiveness of seed dispersal can change with fruit availability at scales ranging from individual plants to neighborhoods, and the scale at which frugivory patterns emerge may ...
Potential re-colonisation by cladocerans of an acidic tropical pond
To predict how re-colonisation of acidified lakes will proceed, at least two approaches are possible: (i) to compare the life history traits of candidate species and determine which one has the highest fitness, and (ii) ...
Spatial and seasonal dynamic of abundance and distribution of guanaco and livestock: insights from using density surface and null models
(Public Library Of Science, 2014-01)
Monitoring species abundance and distribution is a prerequisite when assessing species status and population viability, a difficult task to achieve for large herbivores at ecologically meaningful scales. Co-occurrence ...