Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 19
Coalition management in multiparty presidential regimes
Although still in its early stages, a growing literature examines the issue of coalition management in multiparty presidential systems. Presidents in such environments have a complex job in building and sustaining coalitions ...
All the president's men and women: coalition management strategies and governing costs in a multiparty presidency
(Wiley, 2016-09)
This project examines the effects of a president's coalition management decisions on associated governing costs in a multiparty system. A strategic president who is concerned about policy outcomes and about her various ...
Brazil: The costs of multiparty presidentialism
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018)
Political scientists have long debated the merits of multiparty presidentialism. The dominant view that has emerged over the past decade is that presidents can effectively build coalitions by sharing control over the ...
Watchdogs in our midst: how presidents monitor coalitions in Brazil's multiparty presidential regime
(Wiley, 2017-11)
When delegating governing tasks to a coalition partner, the president would like to give a minister ample administrative powers to be able to effectively accomplish the political mission. Due to information asymmetries, ...
Estudo comparativo sobre avaliação de políticas públicas nos poderes executivo e legislativo brasileiro
O objetivo geral do estudo é investigar como estão estruturados e institucionalizados os processos de avaliação de políticas públicas nos poderes Executivo e Legislativo. Para tal, a metodologia utilizada foi o estudo de ...
Delegation, agenda control, and budget reform in Brazil, 1999-2008
(Latin Amer Studies Assoc, 2015)
How are patterns of delegation between the president and the legislature chosen in multiparty presidential regimes? How do political actors make strategic use of legislative provisions during moments of institutional reform? ...
How cabinet size and legislative control shape the strength of transparency laws
(Wiley, 2015-01)
Prevailing thinking surrounding the politics of secrecy and transparency is biased by assumptions regarding single-party and small coalition governments. Here, the politics of secrecy dominates: Leaders delay or resist ...
The price of governing: coalition management costs in Brazil’s presidential systemPagando el precio de gobernar: costos del manejo de coalición en el presidencialismo brasileñoPagando o preço de governar: custos de gerência de coalizão no presidencialismo brasileiro
(Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas da Fundação Getulio Vargas, 2017)
Presidential power, legislative organization, and party behavior in Brazil
(City Univ New YorkNew YorkEUA, 2000)
Party filiation and appointment for positions in the Brazilian federal bureaucracy (1999-2018)Afiliaciones partidarias y nombramientos a cargos de la burocracia federal (1999-2018)Filiações partidárias e nomeações para cargos da burocracia federal (1999-2018)
(Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas da Fundação Getulio Vargas, 2019)