Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 388
Element distribution imaging in rat kidney using a 2D rapid scan EDXRF device
(Soc Mexicana Fisica, 2013-06)
Visualization of elemental distributions of biological tissue is gaining importance in many disciplines of biological, forensic, and medical research. On the other hand, the mapping of elements has wider application to the ...
Multi-element flow-driven spectral chaos (ME-FSC) method for uncertainty quantification of dynamical systems
(Academic Press Inc.United States, 2022)
Multi-actor network perspective: multi-actor network perspective: CaliBaja an emergent binational innovation ecosystem an emergent binational innovation ecosystem
To contribute to the field of management of technology and innovation, this paper focuses on a multi-actor network perspective to map stakeholders and identifies key actors in CaliBaja’s binational innovation ecosystem. ...
Cartografia escolar, inteligências múltiplas e neurociências no ensino fundamental: a mediação (geo)tecnológica e multimodal no ensino de geografia
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilGeografiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em GeografiaCentro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas, 2022-01-24)
The relationship between School Cartography, Multiple Intelligences, Multimodality and Neurosciences is very relevant to the current context, as it helps to understand how the learning process occurs and how to think about ...
Geochemical mapping based on regularly spaced composite stream sediment samples produced from stored aliquots - State of Paraná pre-Cambrian Shield, BrazilGeochemical mapping based on regularly spaced composite stream sediment samples produced from stored aliquots - State of Paraná pre-Cambrian Shield, Brazil
(Sociedade Brasileira de Geoquímica, 2020)
"Multi-Actor Network Perspective: CaliBaja an emergent binational innovation ecosystem"
To contribute to the field of management of technology and innovation, this paper focuses on a
multi-actor network perspective to map stakeholders and identifies key actors in CaliBaja's
binational innovation ecosystem. ...
A finite volume formulation for magnetostatics of discontinuous media within a multi-region OpenFOAM framework
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2021-05-15)
In this article we present a formulation for the numerical computation of static magnetic fields in discontinuous media. Focusing on solving magneto-fluid-structure interaction problems, we developed a finite volume ...
Comparing sequential Gaussian and turning bands algorithms for cosimulating grades in multi-element deposits
(Elsevier, 2015)
Stochastic simulation is increasingly used to map the spatial variability in the grades of elements of interest and to assess the uncertainty in the mineral resources and ore reserves. The practical implementation requires ...