Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 102
New fermions and a vectorlike third generation in SU(3)(C)circle times SU(3)(L)circle times U(1)(N) models
(American Physical Soc, 1996-01-01)
We study two 3-3-1 models with (i) five (four) charge 2/3 (-1/3) quarks and (ii) four (five) charge 2/3 (-1/3) quarks and a vectorlike third generation. Possibilities beyond these models are also briefly considered.
Business circle in the family business belonging to print mediaEl círculo negocio en las empresas familiares pertenecientes a los medios de comunicación impresos
(Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, 2009)
New fermions and a vectorlike third generation in SU(3)(C)circle times SU(3)(L)circle times U(1)(N) models
(American Physical Soc, 2014)
New fermions and a vectorlike third generation in SU(3)(C)circle times SU(3)(L)circle times U(1)(N) models
(American Physical Soc, 2014)
Observing Higgs dark matter at the CERN LHC
(Amer Physical Soc, 2010-12-22)
Triggering the electroweak symmetry breaking may not be the only key role played by the Higgs boson in particle physics. In a recently proposed warped five-dimensional SO(5) circle times U(1) gauge-Higgs unification model, ...
Observing Higgs dark matter at the CERN LHC
(Amer Physical Soc, 2010-12-22)
Triggering the electroweak symmetry breaking may not be the only key role played by the Higgs boson in particle physics. In a recently proposed warped five-dimensional SO(5) circle times U(1) gauge-Higgs unification model, ...
Type IIP supernova light curves affected by the acceleration of red supergiant winds
(Oxford University Press, 2018)
We introduce the first synthetic light-curve model set of Type IIP supernovae exploded within circumstellar media in which the acceleration of the red supergiant winds is taken into account. Because wind acceleration makes ...
Significado dos círculos de cultura para os atores sociais envolvidos na prática educativa com adolescentes escolares multiplicadores em saúde
(Universidade Federal de PernambucoUFPEBrasilPrograma de Pos Graduacao em Enfermagem, 2017)
G345.45+1.50: an expanding ring-like structure with massive star formation
(EDP Sciences, 2016)
Context. Ring-like structures in the interstellar medium (ISM) are commonly associated with high-mass stars. Kinematic studies of large structures in giant molecular clouds (GMCs) toward these ring-like structures may help ...