Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2031
The Influence of Phosphate Mining on the Chemical Composition of Annual Atmospheric Deposition in Catalão (GO) and Tapira (MG), Brazil
Brazil is an important country within the global mineral industry. The main reserves of phosphate rock in Brazil are contained in the states of Goiás and Minas Gerais, at the Catalão and Tapira cities, respectively. ...
Geochemical processes controlling the distribution and concentration of metals in soils from a Patagonian (Argentina) salt marsh affected by mining residues
(Elsevier Science, 2017-10)
Heavy metal pollution that affects salt marshes is a major environmental concern due to its toxic nature, persistence, and potential risk to organisms and to human health. Mining waste deposits originated four decades ago, ...
Mechanism of removal and retention of heavy metals from the acid mine drainage to coastal wetland in the Patagonian marsh
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2017-05)
The attenuation of the acid mine drainage is one of the most important environmental challenges facing the mining industry worldwide. Mining waste deposits from an ancient metallurgical extraction of heavy metals were found ...
Mines and ore deposits in Brazil
(CPRM, 2017)
Reuse method for deposits of polymetallic tailings in a state of abandonment through the application of mineral flotation
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2019-01-01)
In the mining industry, due to the extraction and processing of ore, a significant amount of tailings are produced which are discharged into deposits. In some cases, these are in contact with effluents and generate acid ...
The source of metals of the Schramm Gold Mine, Santa Catarina : evidence of lead isotope and rare earth elementsA Fonte dos Metais da Mina de Ouro do Schramm, Santa Catarina: Evidências de Dados de Isótopos de Pb e Elementos Terras Raras
(Instituto de Geociências /Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2005)
Labor productivity and comparative advantage in mining: The copper industry in Chile
Over the past two decades, the copper industry has enjoyed dramatic increases in labor productivity in both Chile and the United States. Recent research attributes most of the increase in the United States to innovation ...
Stochastic open-pit mine production scheduling: A case study of an iron deposit
(MDPI, 2020)
Production planning decisions in the mining industry are affected by geological, geometallurgical, economic and operational information. However, the traditional approach to address this problem often relies on simplified ...
Geology of the Huancavelica quicksilver district, Peru
(United States Government Printing OfficeUS, 1951)
The Huancavelica quicksilver district, the world's largest producer of quicksilver for over a century and a half, is in the Cordillera Occidental of south-central Peru. All the important mines of the district are in a ...